Alexandre Pires contagia a plateia na segunda semana da Oktoberfest Rio 2022

The second weekend of Oktoberfest Rio 2022 began to bring an attraction

much sought after by the public, the singer Alexandre Pires and his super lively show

In the second week of the 2022 edition, in Marina da Glória – RJ, Oktoberfest 2022 was sold out this Friday, which brought performances from Dilsinho, Alexandre Pires and Belo.

A inrice, Larisa Manoela, went to enjoy this day, together with Namosometimes, Andre Luizafter all this is one of the biggest parties in A pint of beer from Brazil, Oktoberfest Rio 2022.

Oktoberfest is a beer festival, in which the main attraction is the drink, of course, but it also includes many other attractions.

Created in Germany, in Munich, the event also hosts product and entertainment fairs. With an audience of about 6 million people a year, the celebration spread to several countries, including Brazil.

The southern region of Brazil, a place of strong German colonization, produces a full-fledged celebration in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, which is the second largest Oktoberfest in the world.

Here in Rio de Janeiro, we were gradually adopting the date, to produce cultural events including concerts, national, but not forgetting the main thing, a lot of beer!

This Friday’s shows, as we said before, were:




For this, photographer Ricardo Nunes collaborated, who kindly provided some photos.

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