Protection is never enough these days. Are you in the habit of wearing protective amulets?

The cross of Catholics, Saints, Virgin Mary and other religions also have their protective amulets. I once heard a cardiologist talking to a Catholic priest, saying that when the faithful follow a Rosary and pray, they forget to breathe between sentences and many people pass out from lack of air. It seemed funny to me, but I realize that when I chant my mantras I take a little breath, because we have a lot of mantras and a little time.

You must have seen (and even bought), dream catchers, Japamalas, rosaries, Mandalas, wind flags, and so on, even saints and crystals.

I was once traveling with friends to the Maraú Peninsula, which is in Bahia, and I was looking at local handicrafts when I fell in love with a dream filter made from coconut shells. One of my friends asked me not to buy it because he had bought one some time ago and put it at the head of his bed and had sleepless nights until he remembered this dream catcher. In fact, be very careful when buying these amulets, because depending on how it was made and by whom, the effect is the opposite.

Ahhhh, Teresa, here you come.

That’s right. I really come.

Let’s do an exercise: have you ever gone out to dinner with friends, had a great time, and the next day felt so sick that you called yourself the King or Queen of the bathroom? “But we didn’t feel the food was spoiled.” And it wasn’t. But when the person was making her food, her bad mood was so great, her ill will, her anger, in short, the problems that she carried with her were being transmitted in that food that did not suit you and people others. felt nothing. For this reason it is very good before eating to bless this dish and all the persons who participated in the process of planting and execution until this beautiful dish arrives at your table.

Have you ever heard the expression: Made with love? This is. Cooking is also an art and should be done with all care and love. If you keep cursing the food, the process, the people who will consume it, keep cursing, saying nasty words, the food will carry all this negative energy and whoever consumes it if they are not well protected will feel the effects. in the body.

We should do the same with these objects that we buy at craft fairs. I’m super in favor of encouraging crafts and paying the right price for the work of artisans who are underappreciated. Manual work is very beautiful and painstaking, they are works of art. One never turns out the same as the other.

But, you can bless these “amulets” when you get home. He can play with his hands, passing his energy to them, removing any negative energy they may have and wishing them well with words of peace, love, gratitude, forgiveness, in short, any action cleaning the negative and always wishing for the positive, especially for the person who created that object. Always wish loving kindness to people you don’t even know. The strength of your intentions will reach the person.

So, going back to Filtro dos Sonhos, I bought it (of course, as I said, I’m super good at encouraging local crafts) and met the creator of that object and together we channeled our joys and energies into that piece. I can say that this Dreamcatcher lives hanging on my head and I sleep very well, all night.

I learned how to make Japamalas from a New Zealand Buddhist master during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Actually, it’s easy for me because I have manual skills, but it’s not always easy to teach other people. I take this lesson further because I believe that everyone should do their own Japamala, which means the Cord of Repetition, which is actually when you should chant mantras like the most popular Hopponopono: I’m sorry; I love you; I’m sorry; I am grateful.

Making a Japamala is not difficult, but if you cannot make it yourself and decide to buy a ready-made one, follow some processes to energize your Japamala or any protective object.

Feel the object in your hands, take it and manipulate it for a while, if possible, light an incense and let the smoke reach the object; say positive words and kindness; let him spend the night receiving energy from the Moon and the day from the Sun; if possible, ask a religious person to bless the object for you, and especially feel the vibration of the object, if you feel that it is causing you any discomfort, bless it, protect it, take care that it “takes” the bad vibration and brings good. things. We can always defeat evil by wishing good, having positive attitudes, caring for animals and all beings. However, if you are a good person you will attract good things, so touch this protective object and transfer good positive energy to it. You will be well protected.

In the last Mindfulness program I ran, I offered the participants the Workshop on Creating Japamala, and as Regina Celia Pereira did the program, she participated in creating her own Japamala, and this photo below shows all about how felt to “produce” your game. She can even use him as a support, but he will always protect her from any harm.

Follow me, accompany me and take part in any Craft Workshop, it’s good to get your hands on making some amulet or art.

I hope you are happy and healthy and free from suffering. See you next week!

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