Antonia Frering lança o livro 'Carmen&Antonia'

The book signing “Carmen&Antonia”, by Antonia Frering, was busy at the Livraria da Travessa Leblon, in Rio de Janeiro, on Wednesday night, the 13th. Responding to the call of businessmen and promoters Liège Monteiro and Luiz Fernando Coutinho. Present were Mariana Ximenes, Heloísa Périssé, Narcisa Tamborindeguy, Gringo Cardia, as well as representatives of the most traditional members of Rio society: Mayrink Veiga, Severiano Ribeiro, Tapajós, Fraga, Chagas Freitas, Pitanguy, Klarnet, Marcondes Ferraz, Niemeyer, among others. many others.

In this book, Antonia tried to combine the way in which her mother, Carmen Mayrink Veiga (in memoriam), hosted and transmitted to her a taste for the art of reception with her creative, dynamic and modern way of being. Carmen’s heir in the art of hospitality, Antonia tells a little of this family’s history through lunches, dinners and events through recipes, dishes and other details that are revealed. The book brings mother and daughter together.

"My mother never wanted to write a biography of herself. I respected it. But going through my books, I found and reviewed my mother’s recipe book, and then I thought: I’m going to make a recipe book. I began to remember lunches and dinners at my grandmother’s house, where she would gather the whole family around couscous in São Paulo. I remembered that this recipe was generations old, it came from grandmother to mother and from lunch to children. I noticed how much care and love went into these recipes and around the table."Antonia counts.

Carmen Mayrink Veiga was one of the most iconic women of Brazilian high society, considered one of the most elegant and best-dressed women in the world, with great projection in fashion and the international jet-set.

Photo: Eny Miranda / Liège Monteiro Assessoria

Video by Marisa Araujo

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