100 years ago, Brazilian communication acquired a new medium. Radio arrived in Brazil to mark the centenary of the Declaration of Independence. But, in addition to the commemoration of this historical event, the vehicle also changed the way of “mass communication”, because it facilitated the understanding of daily news.
Over time, radio became quite popular. AM’s first broadcast (in English, Amplitude Modulation) happened thanks to Roquete Pinto, who in 1923 founded Radio Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro. Then, more stations were created: Rádio Tupi, Rádio Globo and Rádio Record.
Next, FM (Frequency Modulated) was born, invented in 1933 by the American engineer Edwin Armstrong. Compared to FM, the audience of AM radio was much larger, as it managed to reach a corresponding number of listeners.
Already in the 1980s, innovation! The new Fluminense FM, based in Niterói, for example, also named the hell, brought out big names of National Rock: Legião Urbana, Paralamas do Sucesso, Barão Vermelho, Kid Abelha, etc. New: a voice made exclusively by women.
Today, Fluminense is gone, as are Rádio Globo and MIA FM. However, others followed. Antena 1 (103.7 FM), JB FM, Tupi FM and Melodia FM are mentioned. Modern, presented: the case of Mix FM, in 2004.
Although they are still tuned in a traditional way, many of them have migrated to digital, with the advancement of technology. Your information is now available at Page. Pages, the channels of to YouTubesocial media pages (Facebook e Instagram), help citizens better understand the work of the team, including how it works behind the scenes. “Interactivity” is a key part of this process, mainly because it makes them “feel” part of the radio.