Christovam de Chevalier lança livro com o qual celebra 25 anos de carreira literária

The poet and journalist was honored by artists and personalities who filled last Tuesday evening (17) Livraria da Travessa de Ipanema.

The idea was to arrive early for a coffee, but it was not possible. At 18:00 last Tuesday (17) – an hour before the start of the autograph session – there were already people at Livraria da Travessa de Ipanema, South Zone of Rio de Janeiro, waiting for Christovam de Chevalier. They were waiting for the poet and journalist to sign “Da Lida do Quero da Vida” (7 Letters), his fifth book and with which he celebrates 25 years of literary career.

Yes, the signing started at 6:00 PM and continued until 10:00 PM, with a line that at one point reached the door of the bookstore. The back and forth was wonderful, with the author bringing together writers and poets of different generations, artists from different segments and names from the social life of the city.

In attendance were poets and lyricists Antonio Cícero, the immortal himself, Abel Silva, Bernardo Vilhena and Fausto Fawcett, as well as two important Brazilian novelists: Edney Silvestre and Francisco Azevedo. When signing Abel’s copy, Christovam sang the lines “Only one word devours me\ What my heart doesn’t say”, from “Jura secreto”, a partnership between the lyricist and Sueli Costa, getting others to sing along.

Rector of PUC-Rio, Father Anderson Antonio Pedroso; Ricardo and Sueli Stambowski, Lilibeth Monteiro de Carvalho, Vanda Klabin, Regina Martelli, Liège Monteiro and Luiz Fernando Coutinho, Nando Grabowskiy and Pedro Guimarães, Manoela Ferrari, Liliana Rodriguez and her sister, also journalist Jacyra, also honored the writer Lucyra.

“You’ll see what he calls me”Lilibeth entrusted Renata Salgado and gave nothing else: her dedication was made to Celi, the first name of the businesswoman whose name is Celi Elisabete Júlia Monteiro de Carvalho. “She has a beautiful name“, Christovam explained after learning about the provocation.

Visual arts were represented by Ana Holck, Cabelo, Walter Goldfarb and Wily Reuter. Cinema, by director Ana Maria Magalhães and producer Glaucia Camargos. Music, by the singers Ithamara Koorax, Fhernanda Fernandes and Patrícia Mellodi. The world of theater and musicals, by singer Carla Daniel, actors Juliana Martins and Frederico Reuter and actor and director Gilberto Gawronski.

To embrace the author, the brothers and sisters from the mother and the father also came: Gabriela and Theodora de Chevalier; Maria Eduarda and journalist Pedro Mello e Souza.

At the end of the session, landscaper Ricardo Portilho asked the poet if he was happy, to which he replied: “Happy and exhausted”. And there were many reasons for this. Who said to love you?

Image credits: Eny Miranda

Video by Marisa Araujo

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