Claudia Melo e Yara Castanha são Homenageadas em Jantar de Premiação na Barra da Tijuca

Last Monday, September 23, the actress Claudia Melo and Yara

Chestnuts were honored at an elegant awards dinner held

at the Tourão steakhouse, in Barra da Tijuca. The actresses received the award in

recognition of his talent, professionalism and his admirable trajectory in

the artistic world.

Klaudia spoke excitedly about her artistic career and

personal, highlighted the value of the artist in society, the power of communication in

world, reinforcing the importance of women in the Brazilian artistic scene.

Yara also spoke about her achievements as an actress and businesswoman.

The event gathered several personalities, including the actor Mario Gomes who

was also awarded for his contribution to the artistic and cultural universe

the well-known director Mário Meirelles, presenter and director of the event

Gisa Masser, designer of the famous Hermes Inocêncio, CEO of the Magazine

Mais Bonita, André Lap and press officer Déborah Gonçalves, who

attended the ceremony.

The dinner was a celebration full of emotions and recognition, marking

another important chapter in the careers of those involved, who continue

conquering space and admirers with skill and dedication.

DG Counseling and Communication

Text Claudia Melo

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