Do you have a junk car? Don’t despair!

It happens that the car has an accident, and now it is something like a vehicle. It is hardly possible to repair it, or the repair will cost a round sum, which is simply not worth the investment.

In this case, there are two ways: leave it in the garage forever or pay attention to advertising, such as “salvage yards in Dallas”.


Everything is in your hand except the results of the accident. It depends on them what condition your junk car is in and what you can claim now in terms of selling it.

Old cars.  (Photo reproduction online)
Old cars. (Photo reproduction online)

There are no hard and fast rules, but damage often falls into one of the following categories:

· External damage to the body
· Cabin interior damage
· Internal damage to mechanisms
· Fire (internal or external)
· complete destruction
Depending on the situation in which the car was put, as well as on the wishes and preferences of the owner, the strategy for selling a junk car can be different. Below are the basic options that can be combined with each other and with other sales options.


You should not think that a car after a serious accident becomes a useless pile of scrap, which is difficult to get rid of and even more so to sell to someone.

Now many companies are just buying used cars and are ready to go to the dealer for a car within a few hours of calling (for example, JunlCarsUs).

The reason for this interest is simple – financial gain. They are bought either for disassembly into auto parts, or for restoration and further resale.

They work according to the following scheme:

· Departure to the place of a specialist of the company after a call from the seller
· Vehicle evaluation and final price negotiation.
· Signing the vehicle transfer agreement.
· Money transfer and leaving the car in the company parking lot.
· Re-registration of documents.

Selling a broken car to such organizations has many advantages:

1. Quick sale. By contacting a company that buys old cars, by the end of the day you will be able to get rid of your car and get money in your hands. You don’t have to wait weeks for someone to agree to buy your vehicle, regardless of its condition.

2. Minimal effort involved. All that is required of you is to call, wait for the appraiser and sign the contract. There is no need to send any ads, update them regularly, call a group of people who want to see the car and do a number of other things.

3. There are no problems with the transfer of the garbage truck. The purchasing company itself will take care of ordering a tow truck and transporting the car to the temporary parking lot. Pays all expenses.

4. No problem with deregistration. This is also done by the organization that buys it.

As you can see, contacting a salvage car company is an incredibly quick and easy way to sell your junk car. However, this method has a significant drawback – you will not save more than 30-50% of the real value of your damaged vehicle.


Not only specialized firms are engaged in repurchasing cars in bad condition. Individuals are also willing to buy them.

For example, professional masters of service stations, who are ready to restore a broken car themselves.

To place an ad, you will need to take a photo of the car, write a description, including the description of its breakdowns and malfunctions, and upload all this in a special section on the site, not forgetting to indicate the price and the telephone number.

Compared to the previous method, this has a very important advantage – you will get much more money. However, self-selling has disadvantages:

· It may take weeks or even months until a buyer is found
· The need to monitor the ad and raise it regularly
· Finding time to meet with potential buyers
· Ability to communicate with people and psychological preparation
· The need to independently deal with documents
· Solving the car evacuation issue
Cash costs for the sale: highlighting the advertisement, reissuing documents, sharing the costs of calling a tow truck

Selling a junk car takes time, patience and a willingness to deal with a lot of questions.


Selling a junk car for auto parts is a way that will allow you to get the most money from your damaged car. First you need to disassemble the car.

If you know the design well, have the right tools and are confident that you can handle this task, you can do it yourself. If not, then you will need to contact a car mechanic.

There are two ways to sell auto parts:

· Call the service
· Placing ads in flea markets

If there is no necessary connection with auto repair shops, then it will be quite difficult to sell spare parts to them. Moreover, few of them are ready to offer a real price (JunlCarsUs does it), usually they buy much cheaper than the actual cost.


If the car is completely in bad condition, the way out of the situation is disposal of the vehicle or scrapping.

· When sending a car for scrap, payment is made at the general rates for non-ferrous and non-ferrous metals and you must also pay for a tow truck

· When you scrap your car, handing it in for recycling at your dealer, you can get a significant discount on buying a new one; but car recycling is not free.

As you can see, even if there is no way out, there is one (even two).

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