The trade exchange of the Dominican Republic with Brazil was 5.692 billion US dollars during the years 2015-2021, including the cumulative period January-September 2022, of which 98% corresponds to imports of goods and the remaining 02% to exports.
The main product imported by Brazil from the country is corn, with more than 23% share in the top ten import items from that market, according to statistical data from ProDominicana.
Corn purchases are part of the market for inputs (grains) purchased from the country for agricultural production.
Brazil, on the other hand, buys tobacco and other products from the Dominican Republic.
Among the ten main products with the highest participation in Dominican exports to Brazil are
- instrument identified by the use of the ostomy,
- followed by medical, surgical or veterinary instruments and apparatus,
- graphite or other carbon electrodes of the kind used in electric furnaces,
- ferronickel, kerosene, with an oil content of 0.75% by weight;
- “Clean” cigars, including “espuntados” and “cigarritos”, containing tobacco.
Industrialized products are imported from Brazil.