The largest event in South America to bring together sports competitions, a food and business fair, will take place from April 14 to 16, again at the Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo.
He returned. Bigger. The best. and prepared for eliminate the sedentary lifestyle and encourage thousands of people to adopt an active and healthy lifestyle. O Arnold South America comes to Ninth edition in 2023 maintaining the tradition that consolidated it as the largest multi-sport event combined with food and business fair in South America, in addition to adding news to the public. The date and location have been confirmed. It will take place from April 14 to 16, again in São Paulo, at Expo Center Norte. Arnold South America has been held in São Paulo since 2017, coming from Rio de Janeiro, where it made its debut in 2013.
“Unfortunately, we could not promote the event for two years – in 2020 and 2021 – due to the pandemic, but we came back with everything this year and are working hard to offer much more to the public in 2023”, comments Ana Paula. Leal Graziano, CEO from Savaget Promoções e Eventos, director of the fair and partner of Arnold, together with Luis Felipe Bonilha, from Excalibur. When she talks about “returning with everything in 2022”, Ana Paula refers to the 85,600 visitors and more than 10,000 sellers who visited the event, where they were able to see more than 130 exhibiting brands, resulting in more than R$ 150 million in sales volume. In sports, more than ten thousand athletes competed in over 30 disciplines, including Olympic and non-Olympic ones. “Since 2013, our event has accounted for about 1 billion business reais, there have been 500 thousand visitors and 100 thousand athletes”, Luis Felipe Bonilha estimates. For 2023, in addition to maintaining the established modes, such as professional and amateur bodybuilding, arm wrestling, calisthenics, wrestling, among others, Arnold South America will have new features such as pillow fighting, pillow fighting, freestyle soccer, beach tennis, among others. other sports to overcome more than 30 modes. However, one of the big news will be the debut of the Bem-Estar Brasil Zone.
Innovative event – Bemestar Brasil is aimed at people who make sport and good food a way of life. In this way, it will enable brands to position themselves and be close to consumers as owners of gyms, clubs, spa hotels in a unique way, that is, highlighting products and services that add health, beauty, inner and emotional peace, psychological, spiritual and physical. The action brought together Ana Paula and Waldyr Soares, the creator of Aeróbica Brasil and the founder of Fitness Brasil, who is responsible for the entry of IHRSA Internacional in Brazil and today leads the Humana Academy. The two were once competitors in the trade show market and have now come together to revolutionize the industry. “The market will experience a revolution with one of the most innovative events in the segment. Bem-Estar Brasil will fully focus on this new world reality after such a difficult period due to the pandemic. It is time to look for the quality of life, to live well, in a global market that currently moves around 4.5 trillion dollars”, Ana Paula assesses.
Video – Watch the video of the launch of the 2023 edition:
Check out more Arnold 2023 activities
Arnold Expo – The famous sports food and fitness fashion fair brings together leading national and international companies and brands. Along with discounted products, activations and giveaways, it brings together athletes, celebrities and fitness personalities.
Bodybuilding – The championship with some of the best athletes in the world, organized by MuscleContest International
Combat Pavilion – It is an area dedicated to the universe of fighting, with competitions, exhibitions of equipment and products for the most diverse modes, in addition to the presence of well-known athletes.
Arnold Conference – brings together the best professionals in the sector, discussing the latest in nutrition, sports, quality of life and health. There are about 100 lectures and the forecast is 5 thousand subscribers.
Healthy Pavilion – presents market trends in sports nutrition and health nutrition, including sustainability, longevity, natural nutrition, vegetarianism, veganism, phytotherapy and special diets. It is aimed at professionals attending the Arnold Conference.
Green Dot – area open to the public with news in sustainability and in the healthy, organic, vegan food segment, among others.
Arnold Management & Business – the courses offered are a reference in the sector and a great success with gym owners, physical educators and sector professionals looking for technical-scientific knowledge, updating market trends and expanding networks.
Arnold TV – The TV platform that debuted in 2022 returns with everything in 2023, with interviews and exclusive content for all the activities of the event.
Arnoldo speaks – A 180-degree stage, open and with free access, brings interviews to the entire public that circulates in the nunnery.
Brazilian Paralympic Committee Arena – Pre-sport activities and interaction options for the public to learn more about adapted sports activities. Arnold South America has Diamond sponsorship from Atlhetica Nutrition, Integral Médica and Max Titanium and Gold sponsorship from Black Skull. Organized by Savaget & Excalibur Promoções e Eventos.