Flávia Hartmann lança o romance “O General Estava Nú”, contrapondo o bem e o mal.

Flavia Hartmann presents the book “The General Was Nú”, from the publisher Penalux, a novel that tells the years of lead through the eyes of various characters in their humanities. An easy-to-read yet hard-hitting story that translates the author’s boundary-pushing style to good storytelling in print and e-book formats

Edifício Seabra, Praia do Flamengo, Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro. Built in 1931 by Commander Gervasio dos Santos Seabra, it would be considered the Brazilian Dakota and marks a time of growth of the middle class in Rio de Janeiro, which would last throughout time. the existence of wealth, which has two certainties: it is ugly and it is beautiful.”

From the first sentence of “The general was Nú”, the writer Flávia Hartmann reveals the ugly and the beautiful, the good and the bad of each character, making their personalities clear. His writing provokes and captures from the beginning, leaving at the end memories of a real time, of the horrors suffered, but also of the reality of the people who fought for their humanities and to bring to light what the general represented. The book is available in print and electronic format. As described in the synopsis, the setting is Rio de Janeiro. Time, lead years. In this context, a family of the upper social class experiences its small daily dramas permeated by a climate of violence that manifests itself in countless ways. A story of victims and perpetrators, in which fragile characters in a state of extreme suffering can become predators or silent victims. In O general was naked the author, without giving an evaluative judgment, brings out bare facts that society tries to hide, out of shame, fear or conviction, as well as the hidden nature of every person who, looking from the outside, is different . from what they are. we imagine. But not only that. The narration, mostly light, prompts us to know the daily life, the desires, the trajectory of the characters, whose life stories are composed of wealth, translated into the meticulous details that are presented to us.

“The General Was Naked” by Taiasmin Ohnmacht

“That the Brazilian state is violent, we all know. And it is particularly violent with certain groups, being, in general, more brutal when it comes to the poor, blacks, women and those outside the heteronormative spectrum of gender and sex . All this is in this novel. But we also know that the same state occasionally spreads its violence to groups that are not usually directly affected. Flávia Hartmann warns: in a totalitarian state no one is safe. This was the case during the 21 years of military dictatorship that began with the coup of 1964. It is. Flávia Hartmann’s novel deals with this past and very present moment of military influence dictating civilian life. To this end, it tells the story of a recognized military presence. The family unwanted by us all, which disrupts brotherly bonds and changes paths. O General was Nu, is still a metaphor for what we know. And brings a hallucinatory end ative and cathartic that we love. There are many characters that we have that rope and tangle, trying to confront the power that seeks to humiliate into submission, but the story is also about strategies of resistance to the overwhelming violence that takes their lives. One of the main characters is a girl who appears as a catalyst for the strength of the group and the salvation of solidarity, the only way to cope with the deadly olive green. O General was Nu draws attention to the masterful construction of internal dialogues that flow harmoniously in the narrative, the voices change between the narrator and the character in an almost imperceptible and very efficient way. Flavia Hartmann highlights the vulnerability of our citizenship in the face of the military tutelage that pervades Brazilian society, but also shows and dreams of some solutions”.

(Taiasmin Ohnmacht is a psychologist, psychoanalyst and writer. Participates in several anthologies and short stories. Won the AGES Award – Book of the Year 2022 in the Long Narrative in the Voices of Intimate Portraits category. The novel was already a finalist for the São Paulo Awards de Literature and Jabuti.)

About Flavia Hartmann

Carioca, Flávia Hartmann is part of the collective of writers ‘Só Uma Suggestion’ who write on blogs and social networks. He published in 2021, with eight other chroniclers from the Santa Sede Canela group, the book “Do not look back”. Flávia navigates between chronicle, short story, poetry and now her literary impulse flows into this novel. A citizen of the world, the writer crosses borders and territories in search of good stories.

Data sheet

Book: The General Was Nu Author: Flávia Hartmann Publisher: Penalux Print and e-book ISBN 978-65-5862-238-3 Guaratinguetá – SP, 2021 (first edition) 146p, 21cm Brazilian Romance Literature https:/ Where to buy : / www.amazon.com.br/General-estava-nu https://www.magazineluiza.com.br/o-general-estava-nu/p/fa5fd5ef1c/li/otli/

Press Office: Paula Ramagem Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angratur_flaviahartmann/ Website: https://www.soumasugestao.com.br/

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