Fortnite’s Twitter handle gives player advice on ‘how to approach their crush,’ wins hearts online

Fortnite has unique ways to interact with its community and often links to the game or about intel on new in-game introductions. However, in the most unexpected turn of events, Fortnite ANZ, the official Twitter handle for the Battle Royale title in Australia and New Zealand, interacted with a random user that has the Twitter community in awe.

Over the years, the use of social media has changed in the world of gaming and esports. Twitter handles are often managed by admins who post clever tweets that engage the audience in a better way. Interactions on Twitter have gone beyond conventional live notifications. Popular titles like Among Us, Fall Guys and now Epic Games’ Battle Royale are bringing a different humorous side to the internet.

In a recent turn of events, the Twitter handbook for Fortnite ANZ has given some important instructions for a Twitter user to muster up the courage to ask their love on a date.

Clever wordplay on Twitter turns into unexpected relationship advice from the Fortnite community

In a witty twist, the Twitter handle for Fortnite in Australia and New Zealand posted a tweet that made a pun of the casual practice of online flirting and the swipe mechanic in the game.

protect your crush dms because we still haven’t figured out how good the slide mechanic is

A Twitter user commented on this tweet and asked for a dating tip from the official Twitter site admin.

@FortniteANZ Hey fortnite any tips on how to find my love?

What followed was a series of tweets in which the administrator seriously outlined a tip for the user. Soon, other loopers got in on the action and admired how well the official account admin had handled the situation and provided a warm scene for the virtual viewers.

@imHawkeyeFN I WILL GET SRS WITH THIS Just tell me exactly how you feel! Let them know there’s no pressure, but be sure and give them clear dates/options rather than leaving it open-ended.

@imHawkeyeFN “I’d like to go on a date with you, are you free this Friday or Saturday for coffee?” it’s so much better than “let’s go on a date sometime!” This gives them an easy way to say “yes, I’m free!” or “no, but how about this day instead”

The tweet above was followed by a heartfelt message about how to deal with rejection, which often depresses lovers new and old.

@imHawkeyeFN but the biggest thing to remember is that rejection is ok! It’s no reflection on you as a person – the fact that you put yourself out there in the first place shows that you’re awesome and that if not this person, then you’ll soon find your own person 🙂

The community was very impressed with this short exchange of warm tweets. Many came forward to rate the account admin.

@polaqwym FortniteANZ is basically the only Fortnite account I like so far, I love the energy behind the account

These small instances often act as a breath of fresh air for gamers and social media users. Fortnite’s main Twitter handle has interacted with their online audience on social media in the past, but never on an interpersonal level like this. While interacting with players is common for various Twitter titles, connecting with your players in such a way can have a positive effect on players and the entire community.

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