Daily Black Immigrant News
Nugget of the week
Weightlifting’s Pole of Hope honored his first cap on the French team during the 56th Tournoi des Alpes on Saturday in Slovenia. Marie-Galantais set four new French records and finished second in the competition. Since his beginnings in weightlifting 3 years ago, Hevy Nuiro has already come a long way.
For his first national selection, the weightlifter from Pointois did not disappoint. With a fifth place, Hevy Nuiro made his international debut by lifting 255 kg (110 kg in the deadlift and 145 kg in the jump). If, in the pure shot, Marie-Galantais broke his record twice, improving at the same time two French records in his category, Hevy Nuiro had a mixed result in the abduction. This weightlifting discipline has always been the point…
France-Guadeloupe Antilles
780 weather – 21.09.2022