There’s still plenty of time – and events – to enjoy during the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month across Northumberland in October.
“This is our fifth year that the government has designated October as Hispanic Heritage Month in Northumberland and we are very proud to show you our music, art, food and beliefs,” said Mario Pareja, president of Northumberland Hispanic Cultural. The club, in a press release.
Art exhibit: Influential Latinos and Hispanics in Canada continues at the Colborne Art Gallery – Heritage Room until December 11. Entry is free.
The Northumberland Hispanic Film Festival takes place at the Aron Theater in Campbellford on October 26 at 7pm. The festival will show a selection of films from Latin America that have not been seen before in Canada. Participation is free, but registration is required.
The Northumberland Orchestra and Choirs (NOC) and the Hispanic Cultural Club of Northumberland proudly present SPAIN at the Victoria Concert Hall in Cobourg on Saturday, October. 22 at 19:30 The concert will highlight a selection of traditional Latin American songs such as the Aranjuez Concerto and the music of Astor Piazzolla. It will feature Jorge Lopez, classical guitar; Golden Tango Roxana and Fabian; Friend of Mariachi Mexico – tenor singer Fabian Arciniegas.
Northumberland Hispanic Cultural Club Inc. (NHCC) is an incorporated non-profit organization created by the Hispanic American community of Northumberland.
For more information on events, go to www.northumberlandhispanic.ca.