How To Add RSS Feed To Your Twitter Account | by Soaster App | Jul, 2022


If you want to improve your quality I tweet Account, separating updated content is of the utmost importance. Adding RSS Feeds on Twitter It allows you to publish new news, articles, blog posts and more.

With soaster, you can connect RSS resources from any website or blog to your Twitter account.

RSS stands for Truly simple union. An RSS source is a data format used to provide users to frequently updated content. RSS supplies remove the need to manually control websites or blogs for new content and allow the user to keep their tracks.

Using RSS, you continue with the latest updates and information.

Why should I connect an RSS supply to my Twitter account?

When you Connect a RSS supply of a website to Your Twitter accountWhenever a new post is uploaded to that website, your Twitter audience will automatically be notified with a Tweet.

You will not need to check each page about your niche Every day to find good content to share on Twitter. You will also not need to search for relevant tweets to retweet. This is especially time saving when you manage some accounts in different areas.

Suppose you have one blog and publish posts on a regular basis. You need to manually share your Twitter posts to notify your I tweet followers. This is done automatically when you Connect your blog RSS food to your account. This is also true if you are updating an older post on the blog.

Soaster will check for new updates and automatic tweets in your name once you add RSS resources of your blog or favorite websites. This is also an effective way for run organic traffic on your blog.

Stop separating everything by hand. Let the soaster do the job for you automatically.

So you will have more time Focus on your content AND interact with other users. We only need to add RSS supply URLs and determine the time of publication.

First, sign up for a new soaster account. You can also choose to sign up with your Twitter, Facebook or Apple account. The next step is to add your Twitter account to Soaster.

After the end,

In your dashboard click on “Tweet’s actionsbutton ”.

Among the options select ”RSS messages“.

Then, click “Add RSS Feed

#1 If you wish, write a Name for the source of RSS to remember easily.

#2 Then enter A valid RSS supply URL that matches the rules and policies of Twitter.

#3 If you want to add a text as “Click here“,”Read more”Or add a hashtag At the beginning or end of your RSS message, complete the form. Adding a hashtag will help your Tweet reach users following that hashtag.

#4 Choose the time period to check your URL of RSS Feed and to tweet when there is a Updating. You can choose a period from 30 minutes to 1 day.

#5 After determining the time period, select number of messages be sent to any attempt. You can select from 1 to 5 messages for delivery period. We recommend defining a moderate interval and a number of posts so as not to disturb your followers.

#6 Finally, determine when will RSS messages Start to be sent and click “Activate this supply RSS“.

You can view, edit or rub Your existing RSS messages.

When you want, you can stop Sending messages from a RSS supply URL from By removing the control “Activate this supply RSS”.

Here are only two accounts using soaster to automate their separation.

@carsmotorsbikes Shares updated news and comments about cars, motors and bicycles. By setting RSS resources of various websites, @carsMotorsbikes always keeps its followers informed about their common interest.

@Designandarchi1 tweets about design and architecture. This account shares most of its posts using the SOASTER RSS option and brings new ideas and advice to its followers.

SOASTER marketing team

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