The X platform has changed tremendously since Elon Musk bought the platform, which has left brands and businesses unsure of how to use the platform. Twitter has long been known as a social media and microblogging news site. X (Twitter) has 619 million monthly active usersmaking it the 12th most popular social media or messaging platform. So how can you grow in X?
Due to network changes, brands may need to rethink their strategy. This article dives into tips and tactics for you X marketing strategy.
10 strategies to improve your brand’s X presence
While there’s no magic formula to skyrocket your account, investing in strategies that engage users, drive traffic, and represent your brand’s voice can improve your X presence.
We’ve put together 10 tips to implement in your X marketing strategy, use this platform to your advantage and spark interesting conversations.
#1. Contribute to trending and timely conversations
Twitter has always been a platform for the timely sharing of pop culture and news content. As trends come and go quickly, capitalizing on posts during these times is likely to increase brand engagement and visibility.
While not all trending and timely content is marked on calendars, it is important to monitor emerging trends on social networks. We recommend that you mark your calendars with the most important holidays, events and moments to never miss an important day. Follow these 2024 US and UK social media calendars to stay on top of the most important dates and holidays of the year:
🇺🇲US Social Media Calendar 2024 🇺🇲
🇬🇧UK social media calendar 2024 🇬🇧
#2. Go to X account verification
As X switches to a paid platform, taking X account verification legitimizes your brand page or creators. Whereas verification on Twitter used to be earned only through account popularity X Premium accounts can be verified.
However, having the iconic blue sign next to your account not only calls out to users to hear your brand, but can increase your account’s visibility.
X has also released X Verified organizations to verify businesses, government institutions and organizations. Using the gold and gray badge icons, businesses can receive account badges and share badges with employees, teams, associated brands and supported accounts.
#3. Take advantage of all the X features
X is primarily a micro-blogging site for users to share text posts, however, there are various content formats that brands can use to reach more users. What are these features?
- X Communities: Similar to Instagram broadcast channelsThis is an exclusive space to share content with community members.
- X Spaces: Create a live podcast on a topic, hold a debate or open a space to talk with followers or other users.
- X Employment: Add job listings and apply for positions directly within the app.
- Increase AI: Grok AI is the platform’s artificial intelligence chat box, to help users in research, answer questions and generate information.
- View similar posts: A feature to help users discover posts based on their past interactions and interests.
- Direct messaging: X has focused on developing their direct messaging features to include group messaging, audio and video calling, and receiving direct messages from anyone.
Better understand what users are talking about, what competitors are posting, and how you can further engage users with these features.
#4. Let your brand voice shine
Featured posts on Twitter/X are known to be shared across platforms. These “celebrity” posts are usually associated with the brand’s unique voice and creativity. Allowing your brand voice to shine through your content can cross platforms and be used as a reference.
For example, many of us are aware wendy’s X site, which is notorious for its meme-related content and bold responses. By positioning their brand among popular events and moments, they have become a reference for how brands can succeed in social networks.
#5. Stay consistent
We know you’re probably sick of hearing this, but it’s key to social media growth. When you think of your favorite social media figures and accounts, you rely on their consistency. This also keeps the bills front of mind.
When building your X content strategy, be sure to decide how many days per week you will contribute to this platform. Then, plan your content accordingly and stick to that plan. Instead of worrying about the content you need to post every day, schedule your content every week so you can keep looking ahead.
#6. Schedule content ahead of time
Staying consistent can be difficult if you’re trying to think of last-minute posts every day. For this reason, tip six is ​​to plan and schedule your X content ahead of time with Metricool.
This way, you’ll have all your content prepared ahead of time, so you can spend more time interacting with other brands, answering questions and messages, and finding more content ideas.
You can also create Autolists within Metricool, to recycle and reuse content. So if you have evergreen content, it’s great for reminding users of your brand’s features, benefits, and resources.
#7. Analyze your account performance
This applies to all social media platforms: If you don’t measure the results of your strategy, how will you know if you’re going in the right direction?
Analyze and measure the performance of your content and account. This will help you make the right decisions about your strategy, whether to continue on the same line or make a 180º turn to succeed.
Analyze your X posts to measure which content performed better. Within Metricool, you can track your X performance for specific periods to see account growth, engagement, impressions, interactions, top posts, and competitor data. So not only can you see how your content is performing, but also what your competitors are doing.
#8. Use Twitter Ads
One way to grow on X, and any social platform, is to invest in advertising campaigns. Promote posts, accounts and trends with X ads or build campaigns from scratch X’s business page.
Choose your campaign objective and define your target audience. Review your campaign, bidding strategies and audience estimates to maximize your efforts. Make sure your ad assets are right sizes to further optimize your campaign.
Exposure to X ads on the platform results in a average incrmental boost of 153% in post-conversation and can generate a 40% higher ROI compared to other platforms.
#9 Post at optimal times
Consistency is key, and so is posting when your audience is most active. Since X is another fast-moving platform, engaging your audience at optimal times can increase engagement and post visibility.
With Metricool, find out best time to post on Xfor your specific audience. Within our platform’s social media planner, find a color scheme within the calendar. Darker colors represent better times, and higher shades mark worse times to post.
You can also change the exact percentages, to track when more of your followers are online.
#10. Drive traffic with external links
While other platforms do not allow direct linking within content, X is a unique platform that allows direct linking. Therefore, you have ample opportunity to drive traffic to external sites such as your blog, website or other social media channels.
When scheduling content with Metricool, add links directly within the scheduler to automatically schedule content with the necessary links.
You can also use Metricool’s SmartLinks to create a page with all the essential links and content, with just one URL. If you have upcoming events, past content, or upcoming events, using a link in your bio can help drive traffic to multiple sources.
Now you have tips to help grow your X account and achieve your social media goals. Throughout this journey, Metricool will become your social media friend, allowing you to manage multiple social media platforms in one space.
Learn more about everything you can do with Metricool in this tutorial: