L’Arcahaie : une ville, une histoire de Pierre Franck Geffrard

In his seven-part book, Pierre Franck Geffrard immerses the reader in the history of the city of Arcahaie. Do you understand the lack of documents for this city? in the past? glorious, the former teacher and principal of Charles B?lair High School in Arcahaie produces a book on the political, social, economic and cultural history of this city in order to put? reaching young and old a tool that allows them to better understand its values.

Published in 2021, by Pro?ditions, the work of Pierre Franck Geffrard is composed? of seven parts and includes sixteen chapters. There are 447 pages. Some are illustrated in color. It also has an extensive bibliography that testifies to the author’s in-depth research, enabling him to compare the data collected. Used paper? it also demonstrates a certain quality.

In this voluminous work devoted? ? the city of Arcahaie, the author presents the city and its architecture. Does it last? deposit at the bottom of these pages all the memory of this corner of the earth that saw the arrival of the first conquerors. Probably created, according to the author, in the 17th century, by Bertrand d’Ogeron, its name, Arcahaie, comes from afar and has known several influences (Indian and Spanish, then French). But, its name, the first, takes from Akaya, a country dependent on the Cacique of Xaragua, ? Indian era.

Like other former colonial towns in the country, strongly marked by Catholic rituals and slavery, Arcahaie is one of the most curious parishes? know, according to the historian Moreau de Saint-M?ry, quoted? by the author. During the colonial times, this city attracted many people. Thus it would be heavily populated by traders, fishermen and sailors. It also offered tremendous advantages, such as its plain which made it easier to supply Port-au-Prince with foodstuffs.

The city of Arcahaie witnessed great events that marked national history. According to the author, under the American occupation, there was the famous anti-prejudice campaign aimed at eliminating voodoo shrines. Arcahaie, the holy land and stronghold of voodoo, is one of the areas most affected by this campaign in terms of popularity. of this religion and the affirmation of its followers? through peristyles, demanbres, lakou… However, Archelois, along with other Haitians, fought the movement, rejected it? and obtained the removal of President Élie Lescot, who was an accomplice of the Catholic Church in the hunt for voodoo addicts.

The city of Arcahaie also had the privilege of seeing the war against the American occupation unfold. According to the author, the presence of Jacques Roulait, the leader of Haitian Marxism and the founder of the first Haitian Communist Party in 1934, filled this city with the smell of communism. ? According to Geffrard, this broad ideological movement took off and experienced different moments in its history. The city of Arcahaie lost many of its sons in the events in Cazal on March 29, 1969. So 550 human casualties, the author writes.

<>, an archival work. Voluminous, this book contains, to use the author’s words, a body of information and knowledge for all Haitians, specifically, Archelois and Archeloises. It is also an important tool that can guide heritage-related projects, ? agriculture and development in this city in the past? glorious.

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