Latin American culture enrichment of city celebrated at 32nd festival

Outgoing CENTRO President and CEO Juan A. Gomez speaks at Saturday's 32nd Latin American Festival at City Hall.

WORCESTER – The word that kept coming in for Juan A. Gomez Saturday afternoon after town hall was thankful.

“Thank you to the city for its support. Thank you for this opportunity to serve,” said Gomez, who will step down from his post as head of CENTRO on Aug. 31, as a hearty crowd gathered at the nonprofit’s 32nd annual Festival of the Americas Latin.

Gomez has been the president and chief executive officer of CENTRO — formerly Centro Las Americas — since 2007, roughly half the duration of the festival. The former city councilman — the first Latino elected to city office — said he is grateful for the support of city officials during his time here and thankful for the success that has come to CENTRO.

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