Yvonne Webb

SINGER songwriter Mical Williams, known in the calypso world as Mical Teja, is among 17 newcomers and veteran finalists selected to compete for the title of Young Kings Calypso Monarch.
Mical Teja will be up against second generation calypsonian Duane Ta’ziah O’Connor, son of former Calypso Monarch and 2012 Young Kings Monarch Duane O’Connor, as well as youngster Rivaldo London , grandson of Brian London and brother to Calypso 2019. Monarch Ronaldo London.
The competition, organized by the National Cultural Action Committee (NACC), will take place at the Grand Stand, Queen’s Park Savannah on Tuesday 7 February. The show starts at 19:00.
Seventeen finalists have also been selected for the National Women’s Action Committee (NWAC) Queen’s Competition, which will be held on January 29 at Queen’s Hall.
NACC chairman Embau Moheni said the awards have not yet been finalised.
Young King Finalists:
Duane Ta’ziah O’Connor
Eric James
Ezekiel Yorke
Gary Thomasos (M’ba)
Charles Sky (Snake)
Kyle Cowie (KC)
Mical Williams (Mical Teja)
Nicholas Ashby
Nicholas Lucas
Rivaldo London
Rondell Greaves
Follows Alves
Shakir Harewood (Sackie)
Sheldon Bullen (Sheldon Nugget)
Vivian Lockhart (New Poser)
Wendell Frederick (Xcite)
Wendell Goodridge.