Today I would like to talk about SELF-DESIRE.
We women tend to take care of everything and everyone and always stay until the end.
This is normal, there is nothing wrong with this. But when we spend all our time taking care of others and have no time to take care of ourselves, there is a very big danger.
Having self-compassion helps us in a very powerful way to deal with our emotions.
difficult. Our mind is VELCRO for negative thoughts, clings to it like there’s no tomorrow and TEFLON for positive thoughts, let it “slide” and let go.
There is a good reason for this, our brains have been helping us since the age of Men
Cave, and being aware of nature’s own dangers is synonymous with survival. Heads up
Full of dangers that “coming out of the cave” meant returning safely to the cave.
On the other hand, positive emotions did not help anyone to survive. for
our brain gives more importance to the negative than the positive.
Negative = Survival
Positive = life threatening
Usually, we don’t pay enough attention to our body, but the BODY speaks, actually LOUDLY. Our emotions are often first felt in the body and then we realize (awareness) that it is there, it has already come and the worst is ALREADY FIXED, now is the time to feel it with all its essence and wait for it to pass.
Did you know that RAGE lasts exactly 90 seconds?
Exactly, 1 minute and a half. But we chose to keep it longer. With our desire.
In short, we can choose to extend RAGE or just let it “live” for its 90 seconds and move on.
Practically how this happens, your jaw starts to harden, teeth are exposed (slightly), the whole face tightens into that tense expression, and here comes the realization: ANGER, gone, installed. And what created all this furor? We often don’t even suspect what caused that emotion, but it’s there, preventing us from thinking clearly.
And what can we do?
If you are able to recognize that this emotion has come and is preventing you from having clarity in your mind, close your eyes, breathe and wait. Bring your attention to the present moment.
It’s not easy at first, but practice makes perfect.
If you begin to have more self-compassion, your anxiety level will gradually decrease, to the point where you are fully aware of your emotional state.
Studies show that people who are more self-compassionate have less anxiety and depression. So being more compassionate with yourself is PROTECTIVE.
Have you ever thought about it?
They are less irritable, less hostile, less anxious.
We too can learn to be like that. Through awareness, living in the present moment because this is the only moment that matters, we learn not to hold onto negative thoughts and emotions, we don’t identify with them, we know we are not our thoughts and we can let them those. pass and wait for the next one, and if it is negative let it pass and wait for the next one and so on.
Our thoughts and emotions do not represent us. We are not “them”. We let them pass and don’t cling to them.
Put a few minutes with yourself in your schedule, take care, prioritize yourself. Have compassion for yourself knowing that you will be stronger and ready to help others when they are in need.
I always say and I will say it again:
– First put the mask on yourself, then help as many people as you can, but always protected by the fresh air that your mask offers you.
SELF-CARE is life, it is respect, it is care.
If you liked this text, leave a comment here, I would love to read your comments.
And don’t forget, I’m a mindfulness instructor and I help people who want to live the here and now lifestyle, paying full attention to this moment, the present moment, because it’s the only moment there is. I have a course which is on Hotmart platform, just click on the link here and follow to live a full, happy and healthy life.
I hope you are happy and healthy and free from suffering.
See you next week!