Psicóloga Flavia Pitella é a convidada da peça “Na Hora do Adeus” para bate papo com plateia, dia 22

Psychologist Flavia Pitella is the guest of the show “Na Hora do Adeus” to talk with the public, on the 22nd, at the Vannucci Theater.

“Na Hora do Adeus” aims to raise awareness, reflect, transform the reality we live when we talk about mental health. THE psychologist Flavia Pitella, creator of Therapy for Tdsis the guest for talk to the audience after the show airs “Na Hora do Adeus”, on the 22nd (Tuesday), at Teatro Vannucci, Shopping da Gávea, RJ, talking about mental health, strength and overcoming, topics covered in the text. A reflection on mental health with messages of strength and overcoming! so is the show “Na Hora do Adeus”, with Marcus Tardi and Kenny Alberti, directed by Daniel Dias da Silva, who does a short season at Teatro Vannucci, Gávea/RJ, with the last performances on 15/11 and 22, Tuesday at 19:30. An artistic work of public benefit, of humanitarian importance, where art appears as a possible breath to raise awareness, reflect, transform the reality we live when we talk about mental health. “We use art as a social tool, able to address topics of public interest with depth, poetry and ease; through the stage, we watch complex dramas, emphasizing the strength and power of love as the basis for life transformation. psychotherapist Jarbas Capusso Filho’s text raises questions about life and death, themes that permeate the daily life of those who suffer various losses, mysteries that awaken fascination in the mind of man since his existence. For these reasons, this work was built, where the actors are affected to meet the public, sharing perceptions, views, emotions, showing the power of love to transform life. An open dialogue on urgent topics”, explain Marcus Tardin and Kenny Alberti.


“After a drastic transformation in the life of a young couple, a final meeting takes place, absolute love is the reason that determines new choices and perspectives. Depression and guilt become present, the last words are said, love overflows every pent-up feeling, a new optimistic and lively realization arises from the wish that everything could be different. From a sincere repentance, they understand that it is not possible to turn back, follow the path, what remains is to learn and grow from mistakes. With love, pain and overcoming, they understand that life must be redone, redirected, only now from a different perspective.”


Show: AT THE TIME OF GOODBYE. Category: Drama With: Marcus Tardin and Kenny Alberti Text: Jarbas Capusso Filho Director: Daniel Dias da Silva Days: 15/11 and 22 – 19:30 (last performances) Venue: Teatro Vannucci – Shopping da Gávea, RJ Capacity: 425 people Tickets: R$ 80.00 (full) – R$ 40.00 (half) Classification: 12 years. Duration: 55 min. (followed by a conversation with the audience)

About Flavia Pitella and Therapy for Tds

Founded in September 2015 by Psychology Flavia A. Pitella (CRP 05/56639), Terapia Pra Todos is a project that was born with the aim of serving students for social values. Due to the great demand, the project had to open its doors to the general public, always keeping the concern about the quality of the psychotherapeutic care provided. Today Therapy Pra Tds serves children (from) 6 years old to the elderly. Psychoanalyst, clinical and hospital psychologist, university professor, trainer, supervisor and speaker. In her trajectory in Psychology, we can mention her extensive work in the field of Human Resources as Coordinator and Manager in multinationals, in addition to her commitment to practice in the hospital environment, individual and group consultations in the psychoanalytic clinic. Because of her experience in the hospital and academic environment, working as a Psychologist in NGOs, ICU areas in suburban hospitals and outpatient clinics serving low-income populations, in her opinion, Psychotherapy becomes a matter of public demand, of all fields and fields. social classes, as he truly believes that MENTAL HEALTH is a right for everyone and should be accessible to everyone. In addition to 9 postgraduate degrees and 2 MBAs, she has in her professional career: • Expert forensic psychologist – Member of IPJUD (Institute of Forensic Psychology) • Member of ABOP (Brazilian Association of Professional Guidance) • Member of ABPSA (Brazilian Psychology Association) of Health) • Member of SBP (Brazilian Association of Psychology) • Member of ABRAPSO (Brazilian Association of Social Psychology) • Member of ANCP (National Association in Palliative Care) • Member of ABRAMEDE (Brazilian Association of Emergency Medicine) Instagram: @terapiapratds @psiflaviapitella

Press office: Paula Ramagem @_paula_r_soares

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