Public Info Meeting Route 140 Improvements in Ellington and Tolland

CTDOT press release

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Public invited to virtual informational meeting about Route 140 geometry improvements in Ellington and Tolland

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will hold a Virtual Public Information Meeting regarding the Route 140 Geometry Improvements on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7:00 pm The meeting will be conducted on Zoom and registration is required. A question-and-answer (Q&A) session will immediately follow the presentation. The presentation will be recorded. For instructions on how to access the meeting, ways to provide feedback, and how to ask questions, please visit

The Virtual Public Information Meeting is being held to provide the public and local community the opportunity to provide comments or ask questions about the proposed project.

The goal of the project is to improve the substandard road geometry along the section of Crystal Lake Road (Route 140) between Laurel Road and Teaberry Ridge Road. The project is needed to address multiple sharp turns, including back-to-back U-turns, as well as unsafe sight distances at intersections.

Proposed improvements include increasing turn radius and realigning this section of Route 140 to improve sight distances. The proposed improvements will realign Pinnacle Road to create a traditional “T” intersection. Additionally, some embankments will be excavated to help improve sight lines.

Modifications to existing roadside safety and drainage systems will be incorporated into the project to accommodate the proposed changes. The restoration of the road will require the relocation of utility poles in the area.

there are right-of-way impacts associated with the proposed improvements, including several grade easements, a designated sight-line easement, and a complete property acquisition to increase intersection sight distances for vehicles turning into Crystal Lake Road (Route 140) from Hopkins Road and Summit Road. The purchase and easements affect the property only.

Construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2025 based on availability of financing, acquisition of rights-of-way and approval of permits. The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $6.7 million. This project is expected to be undertaken with eighty percent (80%) federal funds and twenty percent (20%) state funds.The project is identified as State Project No. 0047-0122.

Individuals with limited Internet access may listen to the meeting by calling (877) 853-5257 and entering meeting ID 849 4685 4648. People with hearing and/or speech disabilities may call 711 for Broadcast Services of Telecommunications (TRS).People with limited Internet access can also request that project information be mailed to them within one week by contacting Mr. Salvatore Aresco, PE [email protected] or (860) 594-3239.

Language assistance may be requested by contacting the CTDOT Language Assistance Hotline (860) 594-2109. Requests must be made at least five business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to requests for assistance in a timely manner.

This meeting will also be streamed live on the CTDOT YouTube channel and no registration is required. Non-English language closed captioning will be available on Zoom and YouTube. The recording will also be posted immediately after the meeting on CTDOT’s virtual public meeting list at

Members of the public may submit comments and questions during the two-week public comment period following the meeting. Please send comments and questions by December 21, 2022, to [email protected] or Mr. Salvatore Aresco, PE, Project Manager, at [email protected] or (860) 594-3239. Please refer to state project no. 0047-0122 to e-mail or voicemail.

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