Que Pasa Fest celebrates Hispanic culture like only Louisiana can

“If anyone really wants to try Venezuelan food, they should come to Que Pasa Fest.”

METAIRIE, La. – It’s easy to see why Que Pasa Fest draws such a large crowd.

Featuring food and music from Latin American countries, the free festival celebrates Hispanic culture as only Louisiana can.

And there are some foods you’ll only find at Que Pasa Fest, like Marc Vezy’s arepas.

“This is the only festival I do all year,” said Vezy. “I don’t do any other festivals. I’m a contractor, but everyone thinks I have a restaurant somewhere.”

Veyz’s arepas are crisp on the outside, fluffy on the inside, and come with a garlic sauce that provides a sharp contrast to the minced meat inside. They are a taste of his old home in Venezuela, which he shares only once a year.

He’s been cooking them since the first Que Pasa Fest in 2011. From the size of the line in front of his stand, you can tell he’s built a reputation since then.

“If anyone really wants to try Venezuelan food, they should come to Que Pasa Fest,” he said. “It’s the only place they’re going to find it.”

Que Pasa Fest has been very successful since then. The festival has always been in Lafrenier Park, but moved to the larger area centered around the Concert Meadow stage.

The festival grew with Jefferson Parish’s Hispanic population — the largest in the state.

“We’re happy to be able to celebrate our Hispanic heritage here in Louisiana, here in Jefferson Parish,” said festival organizer Brenda Melara. “Hopefully we will be able to do it in the next few years. And I think we will because our community loves Jefferson Parish so we’re going to stay here.”

This year, there is food and music from 16 different countries, according to Melara. Each represents a unique part of Latin America—and a unique part of Louisiana.

Que Pasa Fest reopens Sunday, October 9, at 11 a.m. in Lafreniere Park. It is free and open to the public.

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