Regurgitating content on Twitter – 1 Quick Fast Way

Thanks to Twitter February 2018 update, where repeated posting or even similar content was not allowed. The days of regurgitating content or the same old tweets are over. While the announcement may have come as a big shock at first, it can now be seen as the wake-up call that many businesses need.

Nobody has time to click links on even the most interesting posts anymore, so scheduling repetitive content for the sake of consistency is no longer an effective method (if it ever was!). Those who have revised their Twitter strategies have likely seen an improved ROI.

So – now that automating retweets is no longer an option – what other methods of using Twitter should be explored?

Table of Contents Tweet Monitoring and Alert

1. Level up your customer service

Twitter’s own explorative suggests that customers who have received a response from a brand on Twitter have 3 times higher brand preference than those who have not. These customers say they would be more likely to recommend a brand that responds to them on Twitter.

It’s clear that using Twitter for customer service can be beneficial, but how do you do it effectively?

Act quickly

24% of Twitter survey respondents ranked speed as the most important factor for customer service on Twitter, with 71% saying they would expect a response from a brand within an hour.

Monitor mentions and keywords

Recognize the need to monitor mentions of your brand or keywords surrounding it with a tool like Twilert. Conversations can take place where your brand isn’t directly tagged, and it’s essential that you’re able to take advantage of opportunities like this. Two-thirds of users say their opinion of a brand would improve if that brand responded to a tweet.

Use Twitter features

Twitter recognizes that more and more businesses are using the platform as a key customer service tool and has responded with useful features. Ways to use Twitter for improved customer service include:

    • List your support hours so customers know when you’re available
    • Allow direct messages so you can have private conversations with customers
    • Make it clear that you offer support so customers know you’re using a customer service-friendly Twitter account
  • Set up welcome messages as a way to encourage customers to start writing a direct message to your account. Don’t use the exact same message – that’s blurry content!

Make a plan and follow it

You will need a system for managing incoming inquiries and requests. What can be addressed publicly and what requires a private response? What can be handled on Twitter and what should be taken elsewhere? Consider all the possible requests you might receive and plan a response to each one. As new ones appear, add them to your plan. The more prepared you are, the better your service will be.

Give personal, human answers

Modeled answers to common questions may save you time, but it dilutes the customer experience. If you can inject personality into your customer service tweets, you’ll build stronger relationships with your customers.

5 Ways to Use Twitter - Sample customer service tweets from @AdobeCare

An example of a helpful and personalized customer service response from @AdobeCare on Twitter.

2. Report on the latest news in your industry without regurgitated content

In April 2016, Twitter moved from the crowded “social networks” category of the iTunes App Store (where it ranked in the top ten) to the “news” category, where it is now number one.

By itself, this change could have been seen simply as a move to attract new users. Combined with other changes Twitter has made in recent months, however, it could suggest a broader move to reclassify how the platform is viewed and used.

With the addition of live news streams and timelines curated around breaking news events, Twitter appears to be further strengthening its position as a platform for sharing and commenting on news.

Consider this in relation to your brand. Reporting on the latest news in your industry can be one of the most effective ways to use Twitter for business. When you consistently share interesting and informative news from trusted sources, you will:

    • Gain authority in your industry
    • Find opportunities to connect with influencers
  • Encourage discussion and engagement from your followers

Could reporting, sharing and commenting on the latest news in your industry be an effective Twitter strategy for your business?

3. Provide real-time commentary on popular culture and events

One of the most effective ways to use Twitter to build your brand is to comment in real time on what’s current and popular.

Twitter is all about what’s happening in the here and now, and smart brands take advantage of that to build awareness, likes and trust with their audience.

When you’re able to react quickly in a fun, witty or intelligent way to what’s going on in the world, you’ll gain fans and not just followers. Being sharp in this case obviously means not going back on content.

To do this well, you will need to have enough time to invest in the platform. It’s essential to stay on top of trends on Twitter, as well as be present to engage with the community you’re building.

UK juice and smoothie brand @innocent is still one of the best examples of a brand that is good at adding value through humor and entertainment. Here are some examples:

5 Ways to Use Twitter - Add value by providing entertaining commentary on popular culture in real time.

An example of a Tweet from @innocent about the popular TV show The Great British Bake Off.

5 Ways to Use Twitter - Add value by providing entertaining commentary on popular culture in real time.

Another example of a fun Tweet from @innocent, this time for National Poetry Day.

If you’re looking for ways to get more creative with your Tweets, try our list of 10 Unique Twitter Ideas.

4. Run offers and promotions

You can increase brand awareness and loyalty by running offers and promotions on Twitter – especially if you’re a B2C brand.

With over 330 million monthly active users, there’s no shortage of people to market to on Twitter. Regurgitating content on Twitter is something we see so often with promotions. It’s amazing the results you’ll see if you thin out your posts, make them unique, and guarantee your followers they’ll never see regurgitated content. However, where some brands struggle is reaching their target audience. On average, 350,000 tweets are sent every minute, which equates to 500 million per day. So how can you make an effective promotion that will get noticed and produce results?

To start:

    • Know your target audience
    • Think carefully about the timing
  • Be strategic about the details behind your offer

Once you’ve worked through each of the points above, it’s time to develop creative, engaging content that will stop the spins.

5 Ways to Use Twitter - An example of a Twitter promotion from @game_collection.

An example of a Twitter promotion run by UK PC game retailer @game_collection.

5. Be generous with tips and advice – make it unique content, but not repetitive

Now that sending repeated automated shares of the same links is worthless, it may be time to consider adding more value within Twitter itself.

Make life easier for your followers, who are likely to be pressed Search Old Tweets – Your Comprehensive Guide with 5 Easy Time-Proof Methods, providing nuggets of information, tips and advice.

Many brands and users already follow this strategy when at events, sharing key points from speakers or summarizing conversations in a tweet or two. Tweets like this are often very popular with their target audience, gaining a lot of engagement and interaction.

By maintaining content like this niche and sharing original and insightful ideas, you can quickly gain an engaged following of relevant people. It’s a good tactic to demonstrate expertise, build trust, and leverage influencers.

regurgitating content on Twitter

An example of a useful and informative Tweet from SEO company @clickinglocal. Instead of teasing this information and linking to a blog, they’ve provided it directly on Twitter to make life easier for their followers.

In summary, there are plenty of ways to use Twitter that don’t involve regurgitating the same old tired content. Don’t let your team keep retweeting content. It won’t help your results. If your strategy needs a refresh, consider these five ideas to turn Twitter into more than just a link-sharing tool for your business.

To get better at monitoring Twitter for mentions that are relevant to your brand, try Twilert free for 30 days.

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