sete anos de estilo terá desfile de moda na Praça Santos Dumont

Seven years of history, fashion and dating. Casa de Antônia, located on the bucolic Rua dos Oitis, in Gávea, celebrates its anniversary in a way that promises to move the neighborhood and win even more hearts. Under the leadership of businesswoman Antônia Oliveira and her partner and husband, Rafa Ramos, the multibrand has established itself as a fortress of fashion and creativity, housed in a century-old house that breathes history.

On September 28, at 4 p.m., Praça Santos Dumont will be transformed into a walkway and an open-air art gallery. Around the fountain, 20 models – including professionals and clients of Casa de Antônia – will present creations from around 30 Brazilian designers, all represented by the multibrand. To the sounds of a DJ, parts of names like Tata Melgaço, Ricardo Pinto and Aline Rocha will come to life in a lively celebration of Rio and national fashion. “Everything is made in Brazil, with impeccable decoration. It will be 20 minutes to celebrate the creative spirit of our country,” says Antônia, with a sparkle in her eyes that only those who are passionate about what do.

But the party starts long before the parade. From 12:00 to 15:00, the square will be the scene of social actions that reflect the spirit of solidarity of the Casa de Antônia. The Celpi solidarity used bookshop, from NG Costura e Lactário Pró-Infância, will be present with a stall of donated books to sell, while the Bazar da Santa will donate its proceeds to Espaço Santa Terezinha, a school training site for children and teenagers. from local communities.

For animal lovers, Audote will bring a loving look to the animals that so desperately need help and a new home. Anyone looking to adopt dogs and cats won’t go home without a new friend.

And there’s more: those who contribute more than R$ 50 to social actions will be able to participate in a draw with 30 exclusive gifts. All this in an environment that combines charm with play – imagine Seu Joaquim, the popcorn maker who has been a captive figure of Gávea for decades, distributing popcorn while giant soap bubbles float in the wind, creating a magical atmosphere.

The square will also become an open-air gallery, with 20 mannequins dressed by Senai/Cetiqt fashion faculty students, interspersed with paintings, installations and sculptures by new talents in Rio art. Also on display will be silk scarves that print images captured by cinema and TV photographer and director of photography Walter Carvalho. It will be a visual tour that combines fashion and art, revealing to the public the freshness of a new generation of creators.

Among the surprises prepared by Antônia, one promises to be unforgettable: a dressing room complete with bed and table will be placed in the square. And in the mirror, a phrase that resonates deeply: “You are incredible.” A statement that reflects the essence of Casa de Antônia, a space that for seven years has celebrated the beauty, originality and talent of every person who passes through its doors. “My dream is to see Rio de Janeiro as the Brazilian capital of fashion again. We have many incredible designers,” says Antônia, making it clear that more than a business, fashion is her great passion and mission.

See the full schedule for the festive month of September:

Melissa Store – Established in 1979, Melissa has been dressing generations. Democratic, it can be used by men and women of different ages. It’s Brazilian and now sustainable, made with recycled plastic and developed from sugar cane. Because of these three characteristics, Casa de Antônia opened its doors to house a Melissa store. Located at the entrance to the House, the outlet has just opened, in the month of the multi-brand’s seventh anniversary celebration.

Exhausted but full – Since 2021, Casa de Antônia has developed t-shirts (R$250) with the phrase “Exhausted but full”. The catchphrase is a sign of the businesswoman herself, who works constantly, but with what she likes to do the most. Each set of t-shirts is always limited to around 100 and sells out quickly. “I think people identify with it,” says the businesswoman. At the Casa de Antônia party, on the 28th, they will be there, of course! More complete than ever!

Walter Carvalho – Cinema and TV photographer and director of photography Walter Carvalho developed a very limited line of scarves (made of 100% silk and measuring 1.37 X 90) printed with photos he took in different parts of the world . Each image has only ten felt reproductions (R$2,100). “I want to cover people’s bodies with my images,” comments the master, whose creations are sold only at Casa de Antônia. The pieces are on sale at Casa de Antônia and will also be paraded through Praça Santos Dumont on the 28th.

Partnerships with fashion students – This year, Antônia welcomed students from a fashion course in Minas Gerais to Rua dos Oitis for a comprehensive lecture that was the result of a partnership between the Sebrae Minas Program, Faculdade Senai Cetiqt and Belo Horizonte Municipality. They toured Rio in search of important addresses for those studying fashion, and Casa de Antônia was part of the itinerary. On the 28th, some Senai students will wear mannequins, which will be positioned in Praça Santos Dumont. Each of them will be inspired by the profile of Casa de Antônia.

Bazar da Santa – Every Thursday, Bazar da Santa, in Gávea, which operates in Espaço Santa Terezinha, a place for school training for children and teenagers from local communities, opens its doors for the charity sale of clothes. On the 28th, the Bazaar will hold an additional edition to celebrate Casa de Antônia, with a stand in Praça Santos Dumont. All proceeds will go to charity.

Audote – Anyone who visits Casa de Antônia has already been introduced to Maria Astrid. The house of the couple Antônia Oliveira and Rafa Ramos is always welcoming. At its seventh anniversary celebration on the 28th, the parish-based Audote Project will be present with a dog and cat adoption booth. A tribute to Maria Astrid, who was adopted by an NGO about three years ago.

Celpi – The used charity bookstore CELPI will have a stand on the 28th, the day of the parade, in Praça Santos Dumont. All proceeds from the books sold will go to the NGO Costura e Lactário Pró-Infância (CELPI), which was founded in 1925 and which, since then, has been dedicated to charitable work. In addition to making and donating clothes for newborns, the institution donates milk and basic food baskets to families in need, in addition to offering extracurricular and educational courses to children and teenagers from neighboring communities.

Casa de Antônia hosts the exhibition “Ecosex Reverso”, by Roberta Stamato

From September 16 to 29, 2024, Casa de Antônia will host the exhibition “Ecosex Reverso” by artist Roberta Stamato. The opening is scheduled for the 16th, at 17:00. The exhibition brings a deep reflection on the interconnection between human beings and the environment, emphasizing ecosexuality as a philosophy of life that promotes an intimate and loving relationship with nature. “Ecosex Reverso” invites the public to rethink the role of nature in our society, questioning the increasingly extreme human demands.

The exhibition will feature 12 photos printed on plain paper, in the 84×61 cm format, in a licking and greeting language that reveals the impressive transformation of images as plants grow and die. In addition, Stamato’s collaborative work with sound artist Negalê Jones, using the Ethnobotânico amplifier, will also be featured. This device creates unique sounds by connecting plants, living mushrooms and human hands, demonstrating the true interaction between nature and image.

The bathroom of the site will be covered with lamb, showing more photos of the project. During the exhibition, two live photos can be seen that change day by day, offering visitors the opportunity to see this transformation. Seven original “start” photos, separate pieces, will be available for purchase.

As part of the exhibition, Roberta Stamato will also present an Ecosexual Terrarium, composed of natural stones adorned with images from vintage erotic postcards, highlighting the diversity of ecosexual characters, regardless of color, gender or any other label.

This exhibition is an invitation to experience a new way of relating to nature and to reflect on natural freedom in harmony with human life.

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