Seven Tips for Talking to Children About Climate Change

Portrait of a woman in a black dress with her arms crossed.  It stands in front of a modern concrete building with large windows. In terms of comfort level, talking to kids about climate change ranks right up there with the birds and the bees.

But even so, there’s no need to add stress to the discussion, said Nicolette Cagle, a senior lecturer at Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment and co-director of the Environmental Health Scholars Program for local high school students.

“Try to keep it simple,” Cagle said. “Children have less coping skills than adults, and they are also dealing with negative emotions.”

“And because climate is such a core topic of their education and their world, you need to make sure they’re getting some basic instruction,” Cagle said.

Cagle spoke at a recent Durham County Library event, “Talking to Kids About Climate Change,” and offered the following advice:

  1. Stay informed: Begin by gathering information to help frame your discussion.
  2. Break the silence: Consider the topic when climate change begins to appear in their world, Cagle said. They may have questions from school or from exposure through the media, including books, television, and the news. Once you start the conversation, Cagle said, you’ve opened the door to having an ongoing dialogue about climate change.
  3. Start with the facts: Ask your child what he already knows, clarify any misunderstandings, and use age-appropriate language and concepts. It’s also important to remind young children that there are adults working to protect the environment and protect them, Cagle said.
  4. Sit comfortably: There’s no right way to have this discussion, Cagle said, and it doesn’t have to go smoothly. Acknowledging anxiety can be an important part of the process and need not be dismissed.
  5. Enjoy nature: Time outside helps children develop positive environmental identities and a sense of stewardship, Cagle said. It also helps increase mental well-being.
  6. Be proactive: To avoid climate burnout, find activities you can do with your child that can help energize them. Some of Cagle’s suggestions: use less plastic, write letters to public officials or start “Meatless Mondays” in your home.
  7. Find hope: Share positive examples of people making a difference. For inspiration, Cagle recommended listening to the podcast, “Climate Change Stories of Hope.”

This effort reflects Duke’s Climate Commitment – ​​which will be officially announced on September 29 – and builds on the university’s long-standing leadership in climate, energy and sustainability to educate a new generation of climate-fluid innovators and create sustainable solutions. equal for all. The effort brings together the university’s education, research, operations and public service missions to engage the entire community in the pursuit of climate change solutions.

Follow Duke’s Climate Commitment on Twitter @DukeUClimate.

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