Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan hosted an Ask Me Anything session for his fans on Twitter on Saturday. In no time, #AskSRK started trending on the micro-blogging platform as thousands of fans sent in their questions for the King of Bollywood.
However, only a few of them received a response from King Khan, and one of them was Vinesh Prabhu. He asked Khan whether he would be present at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) if India qualifies for the 2022 T20 World Cup final.
In case you didn’t know, Khan took part in the inaugural T20 World Cup final in 2007. India beat Pakistan in that game to become champions.
Reacting to the “lucky charm” tag given to him by the aforementioned fan on Twitter, Khan wrote:
“Insha Allah. It would be so much fun to feel so proud and happy when India is doing well in sports.”
@iamsrk We saw you in the 2007 final when India won 🤩If we qualify for the final again, can you go there as a talisman? 😘#AskSRK
Insha Allah. It would be so much fun to feel so proud and happy when India is doing well in sports.…
Shah Rukh Khan owns multiple cricket franchises
Shah Rukh Khan’s immense love for cricket is widely known. He owns the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) franchise in the Indian Premier League. Khan has been regularly attending his team’s matches at the Eden Gardens. He was also present at the stadium for the 2012 and 2014 IPL finals, where KKR emerged victorious.
Shah Rukh Khan also owns a team in the Caribbean Premier League called Trinbago Knight Riders (TKR). The team represents the Trinidad and Tobago region in the tournament. The franchise also has a women’s team. It will be interesting to see if KKR will buy a team in the upcoming Women’s IPL as well.
Apart from this, Khan is also the owner of Major League T20’s Los Angeles Knight Riders and International League T20’s Abu Dhabi Knight Riders. Only time will tell if these two teams can achieve success in their respective leagues like KKR and TKR did.
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