California officials issued an emergency warning Monday to conserve electricity, saying the record heat wave is posing a major threat to the power grid, with continued outages highly likely.
The heatwave is now expected to last until Friday, but the worst may be over for the southern half of the state – although temperatures remain extremely high.
For most of Northern California, The heat wave is expected to arrive on Tuesday — likely to reach all-time records — and temperatures are expected to remain well above average through the week, according to the National Weather Service.
In a video tweeted on TuesdayGov. Gavin Newsom called the heat across California unprecedented and warned that the state is only now headed for the worst stretch.
“The risk of disruption is real and it’s imminent,” Newsom said. “These triple-digit temperatures across much of the state are leading, not surprisingly, to record demand on the power grid.”
He said the heat wave is “on track to be the hottest and longest on record” for California and parts of the West for September.
Temperatures are expected to rise again Tuesday across Southern California, reaching the mid-90s in most metro areas and up to 115 in the interior valleys and mountains — though just below the record highs seen this weekend, according to National Weather Service.
In downtown Los Angeles, Irvine and Anaheim are expected to see highs near 95 on Tuesday, while Palm Springs could reach 115, Palmdale at 108 and Burbank at 102.
Forecasters expect to see “slow cooling” as the week progresses, the National Weather Service said.
Temperatures in the Sacramento Valley broke records Monday and were only expected to rise Tuesday, according to forecasts. Extreme heat advisories swept the region, even in normally mild Oakland, where temperatures were expected to reach the mid-90s.
Power problems
California officials called for a Flex alert again on Tuesday, hoping voluntary energy conservation can prevent blackouts as demand peaks.
The key to avoiding outages on Monday and Tuesday, officials said, is to reduce power use during the peak hours: late afternoon and evening.
Californians are strongly urged to reduce their electricity use by setting thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, allowing for health, avoiding the use of major appliances and turning off all unnecessary lights, officials said.
“We need two to three times more storage than we’ve experienced to keep the power going with these historically high temperatures and demand,” warned Elliot Mainzer, chief executive of the California Independent System Operator, which runs the electric grid. of the state. at a news conference on Monday.
In response to a Flex Alert first issued Wednesday, Californians have reduced their energy use by about 2%.
“Everyone should do their part to help increase, just for a few more days … to help reduce the strain on the grid,” Newsom said.
The governor encouraged people to cool down their homes earlier on Tuesday and Wednesday, to keep out the sun’s rays by keeping blinds closed and especially to limit the use of electricity after 4 p.m.
Warming tips
Stay informed
You can monitor your area’s forecast by going to the National Weather Service website and searching by city, state or ZIP Code for the latest weather updates and alerts. Follow local officials and agencies on social media for tips and information on resources available in your area. Keep an extreme heat checklist to make sure you’re prepared.
Stay indoors and wear light clothing
Officials from the National Weather Service and public health offices advise people to stay indoors as much as possible, especially between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the sun is at its strongest. If you exercise outside, it is recommended to do so early in the morning or late in the evening.
If you don’t have air conditioning, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends going to a mall or public library. You can also refer to your county’s website or call your local health department to find out about cooling centers in your area. Other options include taking a refreshing shower twice a day or even finding a shady yard or park. (Health officials at UCLA say electric fans won’t prevent heat-related illnesses when temperatures reach the high 90s and above.)
Beware of heat-related illnesses
According to the CDC, heat-related illnesses can range from heat rash and sunburn to more serious conditions, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and result from the body’s inability to cool itself by sweating. Signs of heatstroke, the most severe of the heat-related illnesses, include a temperature of 103 degrees or higher; hot, red, dry or moist skin; rapid and strong pulse; headache; dizziness; nausea; confusion and loss of consciousness. If you are experiencing these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. The CDC advises against drinking anything and recommends moving to a cool place and taking a cool bath or using a cool washcloth.
Signs of heat exhaustion include profuse sweating; cold, pale, clammy skin; rapid and weak pulse; nausea or vomiting; muscle cramps; fatigue; dizziness; headache; and fainting. If you are experiencing these symptoms, get out of the sun immediately, seek a cool place or fresh towel, and drink water. Monitor your symptoms and seek help if you are vomiting, if symptoms worsen, or if they last more than an hour.
Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of fluids, especially before going outside, is critical in preventing heat-related illnesses. Officials at UCLA warn not to wait until you’re thirsty to drink. During times of extreme heat, it is best to drink at least two to four glasses of water per hour. (For those who work outside, the CDC suggests a cup of water, or 8 ounces, every 15-20 minutes.) Health officials also advise against drinking alcohol during times of extreme heat, as it causes dehydration and increases the risk of heat stroke. diseases.
It’s also important to replenish the salt and minerals your body loses when you sweat by drinking low-sugar fruit juices or sports drinks. Dietitians also recommend eating foods with a high water content – think watermelon, celery and cucumbers – along with drinking adequate fluids.
Signs of dehydration in adults include extreme thirst; fatigue; dizziness; frivolity; dry mouth and/or lips and infrequent urination. In infants or young children, look for dry mouth and tongue; there are no tears when you cry; without a wet diaper for more than three hours; sunken eyes and cheeks; a soft sunken spot on the top of their head and irritability or insomnia.
(If your doctor has you on a certain diet, or adjusts the amount of water you drink, ask what steps you should take during heat waves to stay properly hydrated.)
Control the most vulnerable
In addition to keeping yourself safe and healthy, check in frequently with those at high risk, including the elderly, children, pregnant women, the homeless, those who work outside and those without air conditioning. The heat affects your pets too, so keep them inside or if they’re going to be outside, make sure they have plenty of water and a shaded area. Never leave a child or pet in the back seat of a car, as temperatures inside a vehicle can rise quickly, even with cracked windows.
To help homeless people, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health suggests donating water, electrolyte packs, light and loose clothing, tents, towels and other supplies to local organizations.