Rihanna in the Toronto area, where are you?
If your name is Rihanna and you met someone named Michael at the Toronto Caribana a few weekends ago, please keep reading.
Someone named Michael has posted a huge missing link sign looking for a “beautiful and sweet” Rihanna.
The sign, consisting of three electric green bristol boards taped together to a construction fence at Queen and Roncesvalles, asks the famous Rihanna to contact Michael, who we’re assuming is desperate for their number.
“Rihanna, I met you here last week at Caribana… you’re so beautiful and sweet, I wish I had your contact,” read the sign, which was signed by “Michael” or Instagram user @bigggmmmike.
This is Big Mike with three b’s and three m’s. blogTO contacted this Instagram user and confirmed that he is the real Big Mike.
Michael told us that a Rihanna who went to Caribana had made it, but alas, it wasn’t the right Rihanna.
Michael said he was helping his friend sell merchandise at a street corner booth when Rihanna came by to buy a flag and bracelet representing her Guyanese and Jamaican heritage.
He drives back to the site Saturday morning to hang the sign, hoping for a reconnection.
Rihanna and her friends and Michael and his were joking and having a good time. Michael says she looked “so real”.
Enjoying the moment, Michael was so caught up that he completely forgot to look up Rihanna’s contact arrangements.
So if you’re a Rihanna or know a Rihanna from Scarborough, let Michael know you’re there!