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Engage with your followers

Twitter is all about creating a two-way communication channel with your audience. It’s important to create content that encourages your audience to engage with your Tweets. You also need to make sure you’re engaging with people who are tweeting about your brand individually. If someone mentions your brand or replies to a Tweet, make sure someone is responsible for responding to their message in a timely manner. Many businesses use Twitter as a way to field support questions. So having a dedicated community manager to handle these requests will help prevent responses from failing.

Asana diligently monitors their Twitter mentions and responds to almost every mention they receive. It doesn’t matter if it’s an urgent question or general praise. They make sure their users know they’re paying attention to what they’re saying.

Sprout’s Suggested Answers feature lets you create canned responses to commonly asked questions on social media. These can be further modified for a personal touch, but give the people managing the profile behind the scenes an easy way to handle any volume of inquiries they receive on Twitter.

Suggested replies on Twitter

Another way to create engagement with your followers is to ask questions. You can do this by creating a live Twitter poll or simply asking a question and retweeting people’s answers.

Glossier’s blog Into The Gloss regularly puts out questions in the form of Twitter polls to ask their audience questions about their skin care routine. This gives the audience insight into popular skin care opinions and gives the brand valuable research information they can use in their content.

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