The Shining City Set on a Hill” is an engaging historical and religious study of American culture and progress.

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“America: The Shining City Set on a Hill”: an articulate and informative overview of American history. “America: The Shining City Set on a Hill” is the brainchild of published author Kenneth Listhrop, founder and music director of the Trinidad and Tobago Youth Philharmonic; founder and Bible teacher of Liberty Teaching Christian Fellowship, a small body of nondenominational believers; and the founder and director of the Euangelion Singers in Trinidad and Tobago, where he resides with his beautiful wife, Ava, of thirty-six years.

Listhrop shares, “The United States of America is the great moral North Star of the world. This book traces the hand of providence in establishing the United States of America as the last great command center of the ages for the global proclamation of the everlasting gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the importance of divine leadership in the church, state legislatures, the US government and the White House, given the current administration, as the combined ungodly forces of Cultural Marxism nullify the culture, seek to rewrite the historical Judeo-Christian origins of the nation .”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kenneth Listhrop’s new book, Listhrop presents Christ-based biblical principles regarding the sovereign rule of Jesus Christ and the responsibility of all nations, governments, political ideologies, religious, economic, cultural practices and norms to His. given the current trajectory of modern trends.

Listhrop takes an in-depth look at the influences of the Lord Jesus Christ on the historical founding of America making it the greatest country in the world over four centuries. As a Christian nation based on Judeo-Christian heritage and values, America is the beacon of freedom and liberty for the ultimate progress and proclamation of the Gospel globally. As a non-American citizen, and Christian musician, his unique insights and perspectives on America’s patriotic hymns, hymn writers, and Gospel music in the global landscape are very telling, informative, and instructive.

Consumers can purchase “America: Shining City Set on a Hill” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores, or online at, the Apple iTunes store or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or questions about America: Shining City Set on aa Hill, contact Christian Faith Publishing’s media department at 866-554-0919.

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