Good luck George

A Tobago artist is calling for greater support for art and artists on the island.
Earl Manswell spoke to Newsday on Thursday during the official commissioning of the artwork along the North East Tobago Art Trail.
The project was launched by the THA Division of Food Security, Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development Department for Natural Resources and Environment.
In October 2020, the Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve, the oldest legally protected forest reserve in the Western Hemisphere, was awarded the prestigious UNESCO Man and Biosphere designation. It is now the largest UNESCO World Heritage site in the English-speaking Caribbean.
The Man and the Biosphere Program is an intergovernmental, scientific initiative which aims to create a scientific basis for improving the relationship between people and their environments. It promotes innovative approaches to economic development that are socially and culturally appropriate and environmentally sustainable.
The first initiative was the installation of the life-size Ah ne Own sculpture at the Bloody Bay recreation site in June. The second is the art trail, which features exhibitions at sites in Tobago’s northeastern communities.
The locations are Roxborough, Betsey’s Hope, Delaford, Speyside, Charlotteville, L’Anse Fourmi, Bloody Bay and Parlatuvier.
They feature paintings by Coryse Wright, Israel Melville, Tomley Roberts, Chris Thomas, Quishang Jacob, Janina Ewals, Earl Manswell and Jason Nedd.
Manswell, who lives in L’Anse Fourmi, said he has been an artist for more than 25 years.
“I believe that greater support is needed for the arts on the island. Over time, art never gets that exposure like those within the creative sector – folk dance etc.”
He said artists are not given the same exposure. He said that although he is based in Tobago, most of his work has been exhibited in galleries in Trinidad.
He welcomed being part of the art trail project and was proud to have his work featured.
“I think this is a very, very good gesture, this kind of art trail on the island.” He said he would inspire future artists “to travel to communities and see these paintings, giving them encouragement to follow their dreams. “
His exhibited painting depicts the traditional way of squeezing sugarcane.
“That’s with the battery grinder – because you’re using your end to put actual pressure on the cane. This is something that has been lost because most people within the community no longer do this. People then would have done this to get wet sugar.”
Manswell said the painting took about three weeks.
He had this advice for young aspiring artists.
“Once you believe in yourself and have that gift – I would encourage them to keep fighting and keep chasing their dreams. It wouldn’t happen in a day or a week, it would take some time to materialize. I just want to encourage them to be persistent and they will succeed at the end of the day.” Dedication to art has paid off, he said.
“Coming out of school, you heard people say that art doesn’t make money, and a lot of people who had the gift put it aside. But for me, I can say that art has money, you just have to be persistent and you will reap the benefits in the end.”
Divisional Assistant Secretary Nigel Taitt felt the work on display was excellent and was delighted “to see such beautiful works of art in Tobago, knowing that we Tobago people made these pieces”.
The art trail, said department director Linford Beckles, is an initiative of the Environmental Research Institute of Charlotteville (ERIC) and the assembly, with support from UNDP and Woodside Energy.
“We wanted to expose the many young and older artists we have in Tobago to depict things that are very important and fundamental to the cultural life in the northeast of Tobago.”
It also aims to “help promote the concept of the biosphere reserve, get people talking about it, accept the concept of the biosphere reserve and be able to participate”.
November 3 has been designated by the UN as the International Day for Biosphere Reserves, with the aim of celebrating the contribution of these reserves to sustainable development.