Turtle time! | Eco buzz

Endangered turtles return to Caribbean shores during nesting season

The Caribbean is among the most important turtle nesting sites globally – especially Trinidad, which is the second largest nesting site for leatherbacks in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. And May to August is the best time to see both the nesting mothers and the babies starting to emerge. It is a magical, unforgettable experience!

Sea turtles—keystone species, and all vulnerable or endangered—play important roles in keeping oceans healthy. They provide food for other wildlife, maintain coral reefs and seagrass beds, and control jellyfish populations. The young also face long odds – about one in 1,000 or less will reach maturity. The females who do will eventually return to these shores to begin the ritual again.

It is one of many reasons WIDE — The Caribbean’s largest turtle network involving NGOs across the Caribbean (widecast.org) — has worked tirelessly to protect them through a variety of community-led programs, beach patrols, turtle tagging, captive breeding, rehabilitation, public education and turtle tours for locals and visitors.

Trinidad and Tobago it is home to five species of sea turtles (leatherbacks, loggerheads, greens, olives and heads), and sees large numbers of turtles – especially leatherbacks – at five beaches in particular: Grand Rivière, Matura, Fishing Pond ( in Trinidad) and Stonehaven and Courland (Tobago). Turtles also nest at other popular beaches, including Maracas, Las Cuevas, Mayaro, Manzanilla, Lambeau, Man O’ War Bay and Pigeon Point. Natureseekers (natureseekers.org) & Turtle Village Trust (turtlevillagetrust.org)

Barbados it is proud to be home to one of the Caribbean’s largest populations of peregrine falcons. Nesting mothers often seek out more secluded areas on the south and west coasts of the island from April to November, laying over 100 eggs at a time and up to six times a season. Barbados Sea Turtle Project: barbadosseaturtles.org

Cayman Islands The national symbol is the green turtle, and efforts by local NGOs have seen nesting numbers increase after populations were nearly wiped out in recent decades. Green turtles lay several times a season; each slot can hold more than 100. Cayman Islands Turtle Center: (345) 949-3894, [email protected]

Guyana: Shell Beach on the north coast hosts one of the ocean’s smallest sea turtles: the olive ridley (March-August). Half the adventure is getting to this remote and unspoiled region. Guyana Marine Turtle Conservation Society: guyanamarineconservation.org.

Grenada: whiteheads, egrets, hawks, and especially skinks visit the island, especially Levera Beach (April-June). oceanspirits.org

Dominica: spy heads, greens, leather cups and pods, especially in Rosalie Bay, Bout Sable, Cabana Bay, Wesley and Calibishie (April-June). DomSeTCO.org

Jamaica: hawksbills are the main attraction here, especially on the north coast (June-August). jamentrust.org/sea-turtles

Florida (USA): whiteheads and four other species are protected by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s sea turtle program on the east coast (between Titusville and Fort Lauderdale). Nesting peaks in June and July. myfwc.com/research/wildlife/sea-turtles

Check out our website – caribbean-beat.com — for extensive coverage of turtle conservation across the region and how you can help.

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