Twitter responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine that began in earnest Thursday morning with advice for users in conflict zones on how to protect their accounts.
The company tweeted in English and Ukrainian on Thursday, offering advice to those in high-risk conflict regions.
Twitter is asking users to strengthen account security by using two-factor authentication, strengthening passwords, and confirming email and phone number information.
The company is also recommending that its users turn off tweet location data and avoid revealing personal information.
Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms have come under fire in recent years for their responses to political and military crises abroad.
The companies have accused them of being too slow to react to misinformation and propaganda spread by countries such as Russia, China and Turkey.
Get the latest updates on the Russia-Ukraine conflict with The Post’s live coverage.
Twitter on Wednesday said it made a mistake when it deleted about a dozen accounts that posted information about Russian military movements.
The company denied that the deletions were the result of a coordinated bot campaign or mass reporting by other users.
“We have been proactively monitoring for emerging narratives that violate our policies and, in this case, we have taken enforcement action against a number of accounts in error,” a Twitter spokesperson said in a statement.
“We are rapidly reviewing these actions and have already proactively restored access to a number of affected accounts.”
Reuters contributed to this report.