Twitter Provides More Tweet Copy Tips via Its ‘Good Copy, Bad Copy’ Program

Of Twitter Joe Wadlington is back, along with his very odd earring, to provide some more great tweet copy tutorials that will help you write more effective and impactful tweets.

Wadlington, who is Global Creative Director on Twitter, has already shared two videos in his ‘Good Copy, Bad Copy’ series, each offering valuable food for thought on how to improve your tweeting approach. And this new video is no exception.

The tips are simple, but as you can see from the ‘good copy’ version, it’s hard to argue that they aren’t effective.

Covering the latest Wadlington tips:

  • Capitalize hashtags for clarity – Wadlington advises that brands should look to tap into hashtag trends, such as #WednesdayWisdom, but be careful when inserting relevant hashtags so that long strings of small text don’t become confusing. Adding capital letters inside the tag – without spaces, of course – can improve the look and appeal of your tweet.
  • Reduce hashtags to declutter tweets – Wadlington interestingly recommends, once again, that brands should consider reducing their use of hashtags, as too many can clutter your messaging and reduce the potential of someone clicking on your focus link. This might be one of the biggest revelations of the Good Copy, Bad Copy series so far – the common tip is that you should aim to include two hashtags per tweet in order to maximize reach. But as Wadlington previously noted, if you want users to take action by clicking on a specific link in your tweet, adding other things for them to click within your copy, like additional hashtags, can reduce that focus and reduce your click- through rate. This may also be reflective of evolving usage trends, where hashtags don’t drive discovery the way they once did—and obviously, there’s a lot of logic in narrowing your focus and driving your audience to a single action, as opposed to offering additional distractions.
  • Enable website cards – And finally – and this is a key element that I often recommend myself – you should enable website cards for your tweets. Website cards will turn your links into larger panels, filled with a preview image. This means more space for people to click/tap on, more space for a visual to grab their attention, and the removal of those messy-looking, cut-and-paste URLs at the end of your message. Once the cards are enabled, you simply add your URL, then post it to Twitter and Twitter will automatically generate the card – no extra work on your part. It’s a simple and effective way to improve your tweet copy.

As mentioned, Wadlington continues to offer great and easy ways to improve your tweets, keeping up with modern usage trends and changes. If you’re looking for ways to update your tweet approach and drive more traffic, you should definitely pay attention.

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