Twitter is on a mission to better facilitate the sharing of tweets across the various major social media platforms.
Therefore, the company is plans to release a new share button that manages to do just that. Right now, it’s for apps like LinkedIn and WhatsApp, but who knows, we might see one for others as well.
The button will also display dedicated tweet presentations on the platform. But for now, we just know that it is limited to users in India.
In case you didn’t know, the WhatsApp button is definitely a crowd pleaser because the app is the most popular platform for users in the country. Think along the lines of over 487 million users.
But wait, it doesn’t stop there. Twitter thinks it can take this initiative a step further by testing a new share button that appears at the bottom of the feature screen.
Many Indian Twitter users are now talking about how they are seeing a new sharing icon appearing for Whatsapp in the engagement corner. So now, you can easily and quickly share any tweet you want with those in your WhatsApp contact list.
The feature isn’t out as a button functionality yet, but we can see how this will soon be loved by many avid Twitter enthusiasts. After all, streamlining tweets in your Whatsapp chat sounds appealing.
Twitter says it’s rolling out a new experiment that will be limited to the Indian market for now. And they emphasized how much this market means to them.
Seeing the classic sharing icon replaced by WhatsApp for most Android users in the country is definitely exciting because the app says that cross-platform sharing is now being welcomed. So it’s a simple, accessible and very holistic approach.
The importance that WhatsApp carries in a nation like India is undoubtedly huge and seeing the strategy that Twitter is using, it seems extremely smart to us for better engagement as well as reach of Tweets.
But there are more updates coming from Twitter on another front as well. The app recently enabled sharing of tweets across apps like Instagram Stories and Snapchat for Android users. This was only available to iOS users in the past.
At the same time, we’re hearing about expanding the feature to LinkedIn as well. Basically, it’s like gathering all your favorite apps in one place and reaping the benefits, which Twitter wouldn’t mind.
It seems that gone are the days when users had to stick to just fetching images from Twitter to share them in different apps. Now, the direct sharing option makes things much simpler.
And as you might expect, Twitter is prone to tracking user data. Remember, in 2015, the app revealed how many people don’t log into the app, but engage with the content.
Overall, the more sharing options there are, and seeing more users staying connected together through tweets means we’re serving up a new and improved tool to get more people to engage and identify simultaneously for sharing purposes.
At the moment, these are the latest updates we have, but from the looks of it, this looks extremely interesting. Mind you, Twitter may sweep more surprises under the carpet and we will have to see how well this experiment works in India for now.
Overall, the concept of a button that is designed for cross-platform sharing is definitely smart in our opinion. What do you think?
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