To mark the victory of the Marinoise Sara Énergies Nouvelles / AD Distribution skiff, the town of Le Marin had invited yesterday evening (Sunday 7 August) the Marinoise population and all Yole enthusiasts to celebrate this event with the crew of “Team Yole Net 2000”.
Many Marinois and supporters were present in a large “video” with the walking group “Difé Nan Pay”. The procession left from the fishing port to the school canteen, passing through Osman Duquesnay street.
Having already won the title in 2019, Diany Rémy’s crew did it again this year, proving to be the strongest after a week of racing.
See also

Skiff from Marin, who finished first overall ahead of UFR/Chanflor, is the one who made the fewest mistakes. She won a stage, between Fort-de-France and Le Diamant.