Vanessa Jaccoud foi nomeada pela chapa ‘Excelência em Psicossomática’ para a diretoria da ABMP-SP.

Vanessa Jaccoud was nominated with the plaque ‘Excellence in Psychosomatics’ for the board of ABMP-PS for the triennium 2023/2025, by vote and by invitation of the President, Dr. Arthur Zular

Internationally certified, the psychosomatist manages to contribute to advances in the field that studies disorders of psychic/emotional origin that are reflected in the body.

Psychosomatist Dr. Vanessa Jaccoud was proposed with the plaque “Excellence in Psychosomatics” for the triennium 2023/2025, on the board of the Brazilian Association of Psychosomatic Medicine-SP (ABMP-SP), by vote and by invitation of the President, Dr. Artur Zular, last October 28. Psychosomatics has attracted the attention of researchers in the field of health, due to the importance of mental aspects in the process of health and illness, as it allows the treatment of the dynamic process between mental, physical and sociocultural.

Internationally certified by other important World Universities, the former student of Prof. Dr. Abram Eksterman, in the specialization and residency followed at Santa Casa de São Paulo, Vanessa Jaccoud, explains that Psychosomatics itself illuminates the idea of ​​the human being composed of distinct systems, but integrated into the larger composition of who we are as well. as what we adopt as standard/beliefs, whether in health or sickness. People desire for simple reasons that can explain the complexity of man.

The process of mind-body communication is real, there is a natural pathway that orders all that is human and subjects us to a common psychophysical functioning. We are not just a body, nor just a mind, we are the representation of everything that sustains us, everything that encompasses us in a bio, psycho, socio, cultural and spiritual way.

We are the whole and not just the parts. The mental, psycho-emotional impact can and should be seen as a requirement for care and not as a stigma of insanity, as some still think. Seeking treatment from a mental health professional for a psychological, emotional concern or even preventing our psychological dimension from future damage is to benefit not just one, but all of the other systems that make us who we are.

Psychosomatic diseases occur when an intrapsychic conflict, caused by a situation of intense stress, exceeds the tolerance capacity, shaking the individual’s homeostasis (the balance between different functions) and not finding a conscious way for this conflict to be detected and treated, they end up . appearing through pressures and changes in the body (soma), from the inability of mental elaboration. So illness can be an attempt to establish a balance for the body, with illness appearing as a psycho-emotional language which, by destabilizing the holistic system, including the immune system, is then symbolized and acted out in representation in the body.

The presence of Dr. Vanessa Jaccoud, in this new direction, contributes, together with the Board, to a Psychosomatics of Excellence in our country, with responsibility, ethics, morals and scientific advances.

About Dr Vanessa Jaccoud

Psycho-oncologist from FCMMG- Faculty of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais; Member of SBPO – Brazilian Society of Psycho-Oncology; Specialist in Psychosomatics from FCMSCSP-Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo; Director of ABMP-SP – Brazilian Association of Psychosomatic Medicine; Clinical psychologist; Certified member of WPATH – World Professional Association for Transgender Health; Certification in Advanced Transgender Health Excellence from Harvard Medical School; Certification in Complex Trauma from Harvard Medical School; Certification in Psychological First Aid from Johns Hopkins University; Update in Neuropsychiatry from Albert Einstein-Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa; Certification in Chronic Pain from the University of Minnesota; Certification in Mind Body Medicine from Harvard Medical School; 2022 Psychiatry Update from Harvard Medical School; Harvard Medical School Memory Enhancement Training; Introduction to Clinical Neurology from the University of California-San Francisco; Update in Psychiatry from Mclean Hospital-Endorsed by the American Psychological Association. He also works in the fields of Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology and Psychopharmacogenetics. Author of the brochure “Should we talk about transgenderism?” Speaker on various topics in mental health, author of the book Transgeneridade: A case of transcendence and creator of the TRANquilaMENTE project. Press Office: Paula Ramagem

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