02 August 2022
4 min reading
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Source: Healio Interviews
Discoveries: Kharod does not report significant financial information. Weiner reports serving as a consultant for Insulet.

Susan Weiner

Hair Kharod
Susan Weiner, MS, RDN, CDCES, FADCES, talk to Kharod Hair, MS, RD, LDN, about the ancient system of medical knowledge known as Ayurveda and what it can reveal about living with diabetes.
Weiner: What is Ayurveda and how it is applied in Indian cuisine?

Kharod: Ayurveda is an ancient medical system dating back more than 5000 years. Ayur means “life” and ceda means “knowledge”. Thus, Ayurveda is the knowledge of how to live a healthy and happy life. According to Ayurveda, health is not the absence of disease. Ayurveda focuses on maintaining a healthy body and preventing disease. The principles of Ayurveda focus on each person’s unique constitution and aim to bring balance to mind, body and spirit in a personalized approach.
The main tenet of Ayurveda is that all disease begins in the gut – and it is likely that Hippocrates learned this from Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, all diseases occur due to the dysfunction of oreatthe digestive fire that aids in metabolism and digestion of food, maintains the natural gut flora by killing foreign bacteria and toxins, and supports the growth of healthy bacteria.
Ayurveda categorizes three doshas as substances flowing or circulating within the body, bringing disease through excess or deficiency. Doshas exhibit the characteristics of the elements from which they are made. All diseases are caused by an imbalance of the doshas, and the imbalance is caused by eating an improper diet and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
Food itself is medicine. Our physical makeup is a combination of the five essential elements present in the universe: ether, air, fire, water and earth. According to Ayurveda, six tastes originate from these five elements: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. We need each of these six tastes in our daily diet. Indian cuisine is rich in these six flavors to aid in optimal digestion.
Ayurveda also categorizes foods as warming or cooling to the body. There are norms for food combinations and what foods should or should not be eaten at the same meal. Dietary goals change with the seasons and life cycle stages. The goal is to restore the balance of natural energies; good digestion of food; building strong cells and tissues, including our immune cells; with regular and complete elimination; keeping the senses sharp; achieving peace of mind; and maintaining clear thinking.
Wone: What are your top culinary tips for people living with diabetes when eating traditional Indian food?
Kharod: Traditional foods cooked on Ayurvedic principles tend to be healthy and easy to digest. However, not everyone eats this way. Indian food can also be unhealthy, especially when prepared with excess oil and heavy creams. If meals are not properly balanced, they can be high in simple starches.
I use the plate method to talk about portion control. My first tip is to increase the amount and variety of non-starchy vegetables. Second, swap simple starches and flours for whole grains. I encourage the use of plant-based proteins, such as legumes, nuts and seeds. Another tip is to reduce salt, sugar and fat in your diet.
Weiner: What should one keep in mind when adopting a plant-based diet?
Kharod: There is a huge misconception that vegetarians only eat vegetables. People trying to adopt a plant-based diet may be consuming insufficient calories and nutrients if they eat only salads, or they may be getting too many calories if they eat veggie burgers and mock chicken nuggets. A plant-based diet should always revolve around plants. Eating real foods that grow as plants – grains, beans and lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. Limit processed packaged foods, especially imitation meat. It is important to eat balanced meals that are colorful and nutrient dense.
Weiner: How can a person with diabetes sit down? carbohydrate consumption while eating traditional Indian food?
Kharod: Diet for diabetes is not only about reducing carbohydrates, but also about reducing sugars and simple starches. Research shows that a high-fat diet can also have a negative effect on insulin resistance. Meal timing, meal spacing and plate balance are also important. It is important to focus on fiber and not just carbohydrates. Foods that are rich in healthy carbohydrates and fiber include whole grains, beans, peas, and lentils. Traditional recipes that use flour can be modified to use whole grains. I provide recipes and information on how traditional foods can be modified to be lower in carbs and higher in fiber.
Weiner: What are some tIP for including spices in meals?
Kharod: Spices are mistakenly confused with the term “spicy”, which means hot. This is not true. Only the varieties of peppers are hot. Most other spices have unique flavors. Indian food cannot be cooked without spices. In fact, all food should be cooked with spices and herbs, as these are not just for taste. All spices have healing anti-inflammatory properties and are comprised of an impressive list of phytonutrients, essential oils, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are vital to good health.
Get to know the variety of spices and start using them. Add cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg to oatmeal and even coffee. Add turmeric and ginger to soups and stir fries. Use cumin-flavored black beans in your tacos. As you get used to them, you’ll feel more comfortable experimenting. In the meantime, rely on the recipes.
Weiner: Where can people with diabetes learn more about Indian cuisine?
Kharod: Physicians should refer their patients to a registered dietitian specializing in Indian cuisine and/or plant-based diets, who can consider the person’s overall health and prescribe an individualized nutrition plan. Information on consumer websites may not be accurate or may make recommendations for people with diabetes without taking into account co-existing heart disease or kidney disease.
For more information:
Parul Kharod, MS, RD, LDN, is a registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist practicing in Raleigh/Cary, North Carolina. It can be reached at [email protected].
Susan Weiner, MS, RDN, CDN, CDCES, FADCES, is a co-author of The Complete Diabetes Organizer AND Diabetes: 365 Tips for living well. She is the owner of Susan Weiner Nutrition PLLC and is Endocrine Today Diabetes in Real Life column editor. She can be reached at [email protected]; Twitter: @susangweiner.