Winning Ledbury Carnival | Ledbury Reporter

The LEDBURY Carnival was a colorful affair as our photos show.

Many of the photos were taken by Harold Sparrey.

The Ledbury Carnival 2022 Shop Window Competition was judged by 2 independent judges who selected Three Counties Books as the final winner.

For the shop, who have been entering for many years, this was the first time they won. The staff was naturally delighted.

In second place was Oops a Daisy who are also ongoing supporters of the Carnival who make and donate the bouquets and headdresses for the Carnival Princess and her Companions.

In third place were the 2021 winners who are also great supporters and regularly offer raffle prizes for all their events.

Congratulations to the winners and special thanks to the other businesses who took part and contributed to lighting up the streets of Ledbury.

The Ledbury Carnival Committee can only continue with the support of their families. For the convenience of the committee, the winners were selected by Independent Judges.

This was proven in the Fancy Dress competition when all the participants were related to the Carnival family.

First place was shared by Jace (Litter Picker) and Bea (Blooming Marvelous) with second place going to Tianna Hall (Garden) Joint third place was William (Police that supports Ledbury) and Arya (Rainbow Unicorn.)

The success continued in the Best Cycle, Hand Vehicles or Walking Group with Carnival Baby Kiri coming second.

Jace, Arya and Kiri are the grandchildren of the Treasure and William and Bea the grandchildren of the Carnival President.

Not wanting to be left behind, Tianna is also the Treasurer’s great granddaughter.

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